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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfJH6OJpkAs
    2 points
  2. Microsoft a afirmat de acum câteva luni bune că Windows 10 va folosi un ciclu de actualizare diferit şi că îmbunătăţirile care vor apărea pe parcurs vor face irelevantă noţiunea de „versiune software”. Pentru cei care mai aveau încă dubii despre sensul acestor declaraţii, reprezentaţii Microsoft au declarat în cadrul evenimentului Ignite că Windows 10 va fi, într-adevăr, ultima versiune tradiţională a po[CENSORED]rului sistem de operare. Sistemul de operare Windows 10, a cărui lansare este aşteptată în cursul lunilor următoare, va deveni fundaţia software pe care Microsoft îşi va clădi viitoarele platforme software pentru PC-uri, tablete şi telefoane. Dacă până acum, noile versiuni Windows erau lansate la intervale mari de timp iar actualizările aduceau extrem de rar facilităţi noi, Windows 10 va fi prima versiune care va fi dezvoltată în ritm continuu şi se va transforma în timp pe măsură ce Microsoft va implementa opţiuni noi. Acest mod de dezvoltare, adoptat de altfel de către Apple sau de către dezvoltatorii diferitelor distribuţii Linux, va permite actualizarea permanentă a produsului şi îmbunătăţirea lui continuă pentru încorporarea unor tehnologii noi. În cadrul evenimentului Ignite, Jerry Nixon, unul dintre purtătorii de cuvânt ai companiei Microsoft, a afirmat că „Windows 10 va fi ultima versiune de Windows”. Declaraţia se referă la modul tradiţional de actualizare la intervale mari de timp şi nu la platforma efectivă, codul acesteia urmând să fie îmbunătăţit ulterior de-a lungul anilor care vor urma. Prima actualizare importantă poartă în acest moment numele de cod Redstone, însă atunci când aceasta va vedea lumina zilei cândva în cursul anului viitor, aceasta nu va fi Windows 10.1 sau Windows 11. În timp, chiar şi actualul număr de versiune va deveni redundant, utilizatorii urmând să vorbească pur şi simplu despre „Windows”. Datorită acestui nou mod de actualizare şi prezentare, Microsoft a folosit şi conceptul de sistem de operare oferit sub forma unui serviciu, idee care i-a speriat iniţial pe cei care credeau că vom vedea un abonament sau o formă similară de închiriere software. Această ideea o fost însă negată acum câteva luni de către Jim Alkove, directorul diviziei Enterprise and Security din cadrul Microsoft.
    1 point
  3. Game: Counter-Strike: 1.6 Status: Running ( Players: 32/32 Average: 24 Rank: 150 Map: de_dust2 Name: Global.csblackdevil.com Pretul este de 120E serverul are multi playeri fideli si are si vpsuri pe le care fac in jur de 2 mii dropuri zilnice Astept oferte serioase.Am avut probleme cu adonsu de aia e pe acest loc am fost furat practic de unii owneri si nu prea mai am timp de el plus ca am observat ca niciun founder de la mine nu prea se mai ocupa ..Serverul are 80% playeri steam on deci e ocazie foarte buna plus vechime vreo 2 ani O sa ramana numai crazy cu server sper ca prea a furat din acest server nesimtirea e prea mare devine insuportabila!!! Link Gametracker-- http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
    1 point
  4. You've played good games, i suggest you this: Call of Duty Ghosts Resident Evil 6 God Of War 3 Zombie Army Trilogy Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Enjoy Playing.
    1 point
  5. 1. First if you have Nvidia, Nvidia configure for cs: go. Home - Properties - Nvidia Control Panel - Adjust Settings with preview image Using the advanced settings Marcais 3D image and take me there In the Program Settings tab: select and seek the cs: go: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive) There are options such as gamma correction that is personal and does not affect performance theoretically, although there are discussions about it. There are others that if they are recommended: Multi-display/Mixed-GPU Acceleration - rendimieno single screen mode.Anisotropic filtering / Antialiasing - Off FXXA ·Antialiasing - Gamma correction · EnabledAntialiasing - Mode · OffAntialiasing - Setting · NoneAntialiasing - Transparency · OffRefresh rate preferred · Controlled by the applicationMaximum number of frames prerenderizados · Use the 3d application settings.Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample Optimization · EnabledTexture Filtering - Negative LOD bias Allow ·Texture Filtering - Quality · Quality (albeit inconsistent)Texture Filtering - Trilinear Optimization · Enabled· Automatic Optimization bound· Triple Buffer Off· Vertical Sync Off 2. Put "+ mat_vignette_enable 0" in launch options, increases colorful ingame; seeing better to acknowledge them and differentiate dolls. * NOTE: For people's opinions that I have been discussing, in Nvidia and digital vibrance is quite noticeable than with ATi. Not a brutal change, but the models look a little brighter and the walls something too.. 3. My configuration. I upload my cfg with some commands that can raise fps, as cl_details to 0, some commands that are not blocked by sv_cheats. Besides sound commands. http://www.mediafire.com/download/p3kkg6ujadbasc5/davecfg.rar The cfg is a archvio. Rc, as valve.rc edit and replace yours. I removed the binds and aliases, crosshair, netgraph and basurilla, that's beside the point. Besides there are also typical basic commands that have been seen in all sites: viewmodel, cl_bob, the 80k and 128 rates, interp 0, ratio 1, the hud_scaling to 1 and some other interesting thing that I have seen out there: · How to disable the help. cl_autohelp "0"cl_showhelp "0"gameinstructor_enable "0" · Enable or disable the view when leaving the gun bullets. r_drawtracers_firstperson "0". default 1. · Number of objects that are broken at the same time in an explosion. func_break_max_pieces "0" default 15. · The Windows sound settings like in cs go. windows speaker config "-1" / / 1 = 2 = 2/2.1 helmets etc ... / -1 = Automatic And finally: The command net_allow_multicast "0" disables the forwarding of packets lost in trash connections can be very useful. I want to clarify a few things ... sixense_ commands both as sys_ are commands that are yet to explode or simply in config.cfg and have to stay default. I've seen out there, sys_antialias and other video options but otherwise we can configure more comfortable: Editing video.txt inside the cfg folder (C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg) to control video options outside the game: "setting.cpu_level" "2" / / 0 = low / 1 = mid / 2 = high"setting.gpu_level" "2" / / shadow detail / 0 = low / 1 = mid / 2 = high / 2 = very high"setting.mat_antialias" "1" / / smoothing multiplier antialiasing 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16"setting.mat_aaquality" "0" / / antialiasing 0,1,2,4"setting.mat_forceaniso" "0" / / anisotropic filtering 0,2,4,8,16"setting.mat_vsync" "0" / / vertical sync / on = 1 / off = 0"setting.mat_triplebuffered" "0" / / triple buffered / on = 1 / off = 0"setting.mat_grain_scale_override" "1" / / Nidea ... :/ 0/1"setting.gpu_mem_level" "0" / / models / detail textures / 0 = low / 1 = mid / 2 = high"setting.mem_level" "2" / / paged pool memory"setting.mat_queue_mode" "2" / / multicore rendering -1, 0, 1, 2"setting.mat_monitorgamma" "1.6" / / gamma go"setting.csm_quality_level" "0" / / 0 = low / 1 = mid / 2 = high"setting.mat_software_aa_strength" "0" / / antialiasing software 0,1,2, 4 8.16"setting.mat_motion_blur_enabled" "0" / / motion blur 0, 1"setting.fullscreen" "1" / / on = 1 / off = 0"setting.defaultres" "1024" / / horizontal size of the resolution."setting.defaultresheight" "768" / / vertical size of the resolution."setting.aspectratiomode" "1" / / 0 = 4:3 / 1 = 16:9 / 2 = 16:10"setting.nowindowborder" "0" / / borderless window mode / on = 1 / off = 0 Apart command, cfgs and game-related files. We can make some interesting optimizations windows for any game. 1. Run this. Bat out of sourcejunkies.de, that disables some network opición unnecessary and may reduce ping. In the end you want to question that drive free space, is a windows application seleccionais hard disk tengais cs: go installed. http://www.mediafire.com/download/pwx6nuz6w60bn8w/game_fix.bat game_fix.bat cd C:\Windows\System32netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disablednetsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcpnetsh int tcp set global rss=enablednetsh int tcp set global dca=enablednetsh int tcp set global netdma=enablednetsh int tcp set global chimney=enabledstart cleanmgrpause 2. To optimize our connection, edit the MTU and improved. TCPOptimizer is best. http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php Who ever wants to know more about all this, everything speedguide.net there is to know about tweaks, frikeadas and optimization of all operating systems. Good luck and have a good day!.
    1 point
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