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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Cu totii stim situatia existenta la clubul Steaua Bucuresti, echipa de fotbal cu cea mai bogata istorie fotbalistica si cel mai titrat club din Romania, atat in plan intern cat si international, avand la activ un trofeu CC si SCE. Dupa toata povestea cu sigla, numele si culorile se pare ca si jurmalistii straini se arata interesati de aceata anomalie produsa de MApN si ICCJ, ca atare avem acest scurt documentar. https://fbcdn-video-e-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/10981001_415209045307248_1492475362_n.mp4?oh=e24fd6b1ec922467f54be52d884649bd&oe=54F7B383&__gda__=1425519140_80d4feec19d8edee4349c39632887123 https://fbcdn-video-b-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/11029104_415218528639633_70731267_n.mp4?oh=995f27d94b079474b305095ebf66dae8&oe=54F7B413&__gda__=1425519033_52f789cb9bb9b9e6772d2ae84c5e8db7 Eu doresc ca Steaua sa recapete sigla originala si ca generalii sa renunte la acest plan mizerabil si sa lase suporterii sa se bucure de magia fotbalului. Ca stelist, va rog semnati aceasta PETITIE online, descurrajati aceasta hotie. Pana si strainii au ramas placut surprinsi de spiritul suporterilor stelisti. Forta Steaua !
    5 points
  2. ahahahah ©NewLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.com #Pedro's
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Arată-ne ce te-a amuzat extrem în ultima perioadă, postând un link cu video-ul în acest subiect. Reguli de bază: Show us what you highly amused lately, you post a link with an video in this topic. Basic Rules:
    1 point
  5. Nu recomand sa ai de aface cu acest individ pe nume "Hunter", numai gura este de el.
    1 point
  6. Fă o demonstrație băeților, să știe cu cine au de aface Spuneai ca ai o metoda secretă, ce poate fi altceva decat redirecte sau boost ? Da marog, nu cred ca e treaba mea.
    1 point
  7. Hello, These things appears from you , nobody is flooding us , you have ADS from different programs , when you download a tool or program it haves a lot of ads and if you're not careful you can install these ads, you must to delete them : 1. Go Start -> Control Panel. 2. Go at Add or Remove Programs. 3. Find the ads , you can see their names when the ads appears, "Ads by etc" , ( etc = name ) it appears in top left corner, like in your 2nd photo (Ads by UniDeals). 4. Go in your browser -> settings -> extensions -> delete all extensions about ads.
    1 point
  8. Hello, You are having ads. This problem is from your browser. Use Adblock Plus Here: http://www.google.be/url?q=https://adblockplus.org/nl/&sa=U&ei=rqPzVIKsIoeZ7AauloAo&ved=0CBAQFjAC&usg=AFQjCNEGXIdjZhqu2plT9HTOkqPI3WpgDQ This adblock Plus work on all browsers. Good Luck
    1 point
  9. Selfie in tree on NewLifeZM
    1 point
  10. people who suffer of this are the only who know how other people feel in a bad way.. otherwise i had the opportunity of visiting nyc twice, and beaing clear, i know people from there just don't care of another one's situations, they're a really rebel nation and they just thing about what would be good for them by themselves, and we are not callled to that, if we give, God will reward us the 101%, think well guys, we don't know when and where we can live around this.. this people who don't think in this way suckss! and i'm sorry, but is the truth all my respect
    1 point
  11. i seen this video 2 days ago..is very emotional. Much #respect for this homeless man. Other video like this :
    1 point
  12. Se accepta orice server indiferent de numarul de sloturi atat timp cat este cumparat prin intermediul nostru.
    1 point
  13. Enk , te-am tot asteptat pe mess , nimic. Lasa , daca 1 minut / 2 nu poti intra pe mess sa discutam cum ma pot baza pe tine ca vei face treaba? Lasa nu mai deschid nimic , nu am cu cine.
    1 point
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