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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2014 in all areas

  1. I want to apologize in front of owner of csblackdevil and also at all , . I abused during this time and I have created problems. I hope to be forgiven and not be enemies of everyone. Thank you very much for a 3rd chance! Kind regards Crazy Thanks you
    7 points
  2. will you return the money you stool from people ? its better than apologizing
    6 points
  3. and you will refund the payment?) for me always you will be a scam ) y cannot trust you
    4 points
  4. Suma 50 Ron nu reprezinta plata hostului, ci valoarea in bani a serverului in constiinta ta, valoarea muncii tale. Hostul este 100 Ron lunar, te rog informeaza oamenii cum trebuie.
    4 points
  5. It's a great step to apologize us.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Oferim spre vanzare serverul BM.CsBlackDevil.Com [ ip = ]. Serverul va fi oferit viitorilor proprietari in momentul achitarii platii hostului in valoare de 12 euro / 50 Ron, tranzactie realizata prin paypal sau bancar Acesta va ramane prin oferta comunitatii KROND PREMIUM. Asteptam oferte si oameni seriosi care sa il preia. SERVERUL VALABIL PANA IN DATA DE 15.12.2014
    1 point
  8. Refund the money to the people you scammed and maybe you will be forgived for what you did. Right now you are "Big Scammer" PS : Guys dont trust him until he refunds the money to the people he scammed .
    1 point
  9. v1 : ( 2 Vote ) v2 : Rango ( 6 Vote ) Working time: 24hrs / we are already 5 days pass urime im vellai
    1 point
  10. Krond-Functions is a security plugin to other exploits, ddos attacks, bugs crasher, bots spammer, etc. Check your addons or change with another addons and test it with Krond-Function.amxx ON. If you use Krond-Function don't use another security plugin! Because Krondor-Functions.amxx will be blocked and will not run properly. More informations about Krond-Functions: http://forum.krond.org/files/file/1-krond-functions/
    1 point
  11. It's the time to show myself August/September - 2014 October - 2014 Sorry I don't have many images, because I don't like to smile.
    1 point
  12. Ce reprezintă dragostea pentru tine? Dragostea pentru mine? Hm, pai pot sa zic ca e ceva unic care iti opreste complect fuziunea rationala si ceea sentimentala, parca stii ca orice ai face tot sufletul ti-l urmezi,dar pentru ca exista un dar intotdeauna, dragostea pentru mine nu reprezinta doar o lume roz, in dragoste suferi sau ai de castigat depinde de persoana care iti este alaturi. In principiu cred ca cum iti asterni asa dormi,depinde de tine de ce decizii iei si cat esti dispus sa risti pentru acest sentiment numit "dragoste",dupa cum ai zis si tu implica mai multe sentimente deci dragostea se poate transforma in universul tau in care sa evadezi sau poate sa-ti franga inima. Desigur nu exista dragoste doar pentru o anumita persoana sau ma rog, poti sa te iubesti o anumita tara, iti place cultura sau istoria...Poti sa iubesti animalul de companie sau ai o melodie preferata si pur si simplu iubesti sa o asculti la nesfarsit. Cum ar fi viaţa fără dragoste? Sincer, cred ca ar fi o lume "gri". De ce spun asta? Ei bine, n-ar mai fi compasiunea,n-ar mai fi fericirea n-ar mai fi lucrurile minuate sau momentele de neuitat cu prietenii pe care ii iubesti si ti-au fost alaturi. Ar fi razboaie,anti-separatistii ar avea puterea [cred ca pot sa zic] din nou, am fi total lipsiti de empatie, toti ar fi introvertiti si ar purta ura pe altii, pe cand dragostea poate aduce un armistitiu, pacea si chiar o lume noua in care toti suntem liberi sa iubim sau sa fim iubiti.
    1 point
  13. ¤ Name in game: Blaster ¤ Age: 18 ¤ Name: David ¤ City: Republica dominicana ¤ Contry: Santo domingo ¤ Favorite Games: Cs 1.6 ¤ A short description about you: I am a simple boy , / make new friends ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: It was recommended by a friend ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): ThunderZm ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
    1 point
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