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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2014 in all areas

  1. ¤ Name in game : Hammad ¤ Age : 20 ¤ Name : Xpert ¤ City : Some Where in the Earth. ¤ Country : Morroco ¤ Favorite Games : Counter Strike CSBD v 1.1 & v 1.0 -- & I have alot of games can't tell you all of these name's ! ¤ A short description about you : I ' am a good guy ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : My Dear Brother RevO & HattricK ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : Zm- server by rusu- & NewWorldZm & ShadowsZM ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): I don't share my pic i am so beatifull and peoples will keep seeing me
    8 points
  2. Wellcome To CSBD Community , Enjoy
    7 points
  3. In urma votului din 16-noiembrie Romania are un presedinte nou , un om de care avea nevoie. Desii PSD-ul si guvernul romaniei si-a batut joc de romanii din diaspora adevarul si vocea poporului s-a facut mai auzita decat ar fi vrut guvernantii care si-au batut joc de romani. Nea Ponta din calitatea lui de prim-ministru a spus ca va demite tot executivul daca un roman din diaspora nu va vota in turul 2 al alegerilor prezidentiale.Mii de romani nu au putut sa voteze la sfarsitul acestei zile datorita sabotarii exercizata de PSD si Ponta.Acei romani care au stat o zi la coada sa voteze pentru noi tineri au fost agasati de jandarmeriile tarilor respective pentru ca au strigat in gura mare ca vor sa voteze. Votul este un drept fundamental si incalcarea lui se pedepseste cu inchisoarea. In toata romania s-au format grupuri de oameni ce au protestat si au cerut prelungirea votului in diaspora. Romanii cu simt de raspundere si gandire logica se bucura in aceasta seara ca au reusit sa impiedice acapararea totala a puterii de catre Ponta si gasca lui de marlani. Romania se bucura ca a facut un pas important spre o evolutie moderna si civilizata. Vocea poporului a spart zidul hotiei si a coruptiei.
    3 points
  4. Hello CsBlackDevil! Today i am asking a question - What is Love? I realye wish to hear how everybody describe Love. My describe ! - I believe if a man can love, then only one person! Love is not a toy, you can not just trow it in some box. Love is trusting him enough to tell him everything about urself including the things you might be ashamed. Its means you will respect your love for end of your life! And i realye whant know opinion about topics like this... IF you like it and whant more? Ahhh. This video Add your describe and made fun with video!
    3 points
  5. Name of the oponent: marKy Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Avatar Size: 150 x 260 *Text: Cars Watermark: csblackdevil Working time: 24 H ! i promise you for a battle with me good luck
    2 points
  6. Iohannis e cea ce ne trebuia noua ca PRESEDINTE !
    2 points
  7. Cristianu , afirmand ca iti e rusina ca esti roman , ai avea tupeul sa o spui in fata celor ce au stat in diaspora o zi intreaga la coada doar sa voteze si sa iti schimbe viitorul? Pentru culltura voastra , acum o suta si ceva de ani am avut un conducator neamt pe numele lui Carol I care a adus o delzvoltare incredibila romaniei si care in primul razboi mondial nu s-a aliat germaniei ci a luptat alaturi de fortele aliate , deoarece germaia incepea razboiul din motive irationale. Carol II urmasul lui Carol I a modernizat ar[CENSORED] romaniei si in perioada interbelica aveam o ar[CENSORED] cu multe clase peste celelalte armate din europa. Dar voi... probabil nu ati citit si ati ascultat niste munciuni spuse de Ponta.
    2 points
  8. The love in movies and in songs this is soooo fake. For me love is a feeling that come from your heart for your girlfriend, for your brothers and sisters, for your mother and father, for your friends etc...
    2 points
  9. It's the time to show myself August/September - 2014 October - 2014 Sorry I don't have many images, because I don't like to smile.
    2 points
  10. ¤ Name in game : Sasuke_shinobi_ ¤ Age :17 ¤ Name : Michael ¤ City : England ¤ Country : - ¤ Favorite Games : assasin creed, cs, need for speed, gta ¤ A short description about you : ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : friend say my ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
    1 point
  11. ¤ Name in game : FreEarT ¤ Age : 18 ¤ Name : Luis ¤ City : Durrës ¤ Country : Albania ¤ Favorite Games : Counter Strike Cs 1.6 , Left4Dead , Battle field 3 in Xbox360 , Assassin's Creed ¤ A short description about you : I am peacful man. But sometimes i can be really aggressive ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : From my Dear Friend Mr.Love ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : hmm, all are best here ! so no any vote ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): next time
    1 point
  12. ø Nume Produs: steam cu cs 1.6 ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar):cod reincarcabil ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul): 4-5-6 euro
    1 point
  13. Without the words, love does not exist.. it is a construct of words. You and me we are joined and understood by these words constitutes and expresses our feelings, soft were conquered and unified by love.
    1 point
  14. The Real Love do not exict anymore, only 5% maybe in the earth , animals have a true love beetwen them more than us
    1 point
  15. Love is so great. If you love anything is So good. I Can't Say more <3
    1 point
  16. ø Modalitate de contact: PM/TeamSpeak/ Y!M adriano007 ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: cont steam 25 jocuri ø Preţul produsului(elor): negociabil, astept oferte ø Poze produs(e): http://steamcommunity.com/id/rajkoj ø Metodă de plată: bancar ø Alte specificaţii: 9 ani apartenenta steam (in curand 10) / level 14 / 25 jocuri / inventar bunicel, rank csgo NOVA II (nu am mai jucat de mult) / 3 pagini de recomandari / market activ + 2,59 euro in portofel.
    1 point
  17. Well this is a tough question to answer, but still I will share my feelings about it - First of all, there are uncountable forms of " love " - For example, love for siblings, love for parents, love for friends, love for elders, love for younger ones, love for your teachers, love for your bae ( girlfriend ) etc - The love you described is of bae - I will agree upon the fact you shared that there could be only one true love, at a time - So with your love ( I mean to say bae ) everything should be open and bold - Even a single thing should not be hidden between both - It should be long-lasting, till death - Care is mandatory - Love is not a fantasy or a toy, but it worth much - Only lucky people find true love..... P.S : That's all between me and my bae
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Welcome ! Enjoy and have fun
    1 point
  20. Tin sa te anunt, ca tu ai dorit sa imi dai teapa ! Ai facut doar ju[CENSORED]te din plata ! adica un boost CSBOOST. Este 2E, Acel boost. Ce vroiai sa iti dau ju[CENSORED]te de steam? Doresc sa ma contactezi pe Y!M , Sa iti ofer bani inapoi cei 2 euro.
    1 point
  21. Sectiune gresita! * Info: CsBlackDevil accepta doar servere gazduite la Krond sau ZeroPing. Topic Closed.
    1 point
  22. Imi pare rau, doresc sa il vand, nu sa schimb. Cauta-ma pe messenger: adriano007@yahoo.com Nu am un pret in cap, cea mai buna oferta o voi accepta. Lasa-mi mesaj pe messenger, ne intelegem acolo: adriano007@yahoo.com
    1 point
  23. Welcome to Hell ! Welcome To CsBlackDevil !
    1 point
  24. Wellcome to CSBD Community, i hope that you'll enjoy your time here !
    1 point
  25. Am vzt tot feluri de opinii din parte tuturor dar toti vb fara sa gandeasca . Eu nu ma cert cu nmn dar vreau sa va explic cv din ce ati spus voi , DOri , din toate spusele tale , acele cuvinte i se potrivesc lu PONTA pt ca ala nu a fct nmk , vine la televiziune cu foile facute si cu promisiunile dar dupa le arunca la GUNOI pt ca nu ii pasa ceea ce a zis . PONTA nu a fct nmk , FONDURILE EUROPENE au fct totul in TARA asta nu PONTA sau IOHANNIS , iar u domnu Cristianu , daca tot il jelesti pe Basescu , cel putin el a bagat toti HOTII dupa gratii ca daca nu era el , aia ne furau mult si bine . Cand vad spusele astea din partea ROMANILOR "Mi-e rusine ca traiesc in tara asta" imi e foarte greu sa mai zic cv pt ca pt mine e o MANDRIE si prin asta ma refer ca suntem o TARA puternica si cu o ISTORIE FRUMOASA Fara suparare , dar mi-am spus si eu punctul de vedere in acest TOPIC .
    1 point
  26. ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http://http://imgur.com/xGmOT8I'>
    1 point
  27. ">http:// ">http://http://imgur.com/cX1MuM4'>
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
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