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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2014 in all areas

  1. In urma votului din 16-noiembrie Romania are un presedinte nou , un om de care avea nevoie. Desii PSD-ul si guvernul romaniei si-a batut joc de romanii din diaspora adevarul si vocea poporului s-a facut mai auzita decat ar fi vrut guvernantii care si-au batut joc de romani. Nea Ponta din calitatea lui de prim-ministru a spus ca va demite tot executivul daca un roman din diaspora nu va vota in turul 2 al alegerilor prezidentiale.Mii de romani nu au putut sa voteze la sfarsitul acestei zile datorita sabotarii exercizata de PSD si Ponta.Acei romani care au stat o zi la coada sa voteze pentru noi tineri au fost agasati de jandarmeriile tarilor respective pentru ca au strigat in gura mare ca vor sa voteze. Votul este un drept fundamental si incalcarea lui se pedepseste cu inchisoarea. In toata romania s-au format grupuri de oameni ce au protestat si au cerut prelungirea votului in diaspora. Romanii cu simt de raspundere si gandire logica se bucura in aceasta seara ca au reusit sa impiedice acapararea totala a puterii de catre Ponta si gasca lui de marlani. Romania se bucura ca a facut un pas important spre o evolutie moderna si civilizata. Vocea poporului a spart zidul hotiei si a coruptiei.
    2 points
  2. ø Method of contact (Skype) : revcrew.best ø Item(s) on sale: Steam account 21 level 10 games ø Price of the product(s): 25Euro ø Product photo(s): http://steamcommunity.com/id/riskutz/ ø Payment method: Paypal only ø Other specifications: The account has rank Master Gurdian 1 on CS:GO and it has cool items (look the profile link up there) I will not go first in members under the group moderator on this forum. I am trusted and you can ask everyone.
    2 points
  3. Diet and well being blogger Judith Wills looks at some long-term research investigating the fives best lifestyle changes you can make for a longer, healthier life. Visit our health section for more health news and features. I always feel pathetically grateful when I find solid long-term research about longevity and healthy lifestyle being headlined in the media, rather than the usual glut of craziness and/or irrelevancy we're normally fed. A bit earlier this month, the results of a 35-year British study were published, which showed conclusively that the way to prolong life, and to ensure what life you have is less illness-riddled and more enjoyable, is to do five simple, and quite obvious things: take regular exercise, eat sensibly, maintain a reasonable weight, drink minimal alcohol and don't smoke. Yes – we all knew that, really, didn't we – but it is reassuring to know that a team of researchers has been monitoring 2500 people all those years on our behalf. They found that making smallish lifestyle changes can result in reducing the risk of the major killer diseases by up to 70%. The people in the study who followed the 'five rules' reduced their risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia by 60%, of diabetes by 70% and of cancer by 40%. The Department of Health, commenting on the results, said “This study won’t come as a surprise to anyone, but it is a stark reminder that having a healthy lifestyle really can impact on a long, fulfilling life.” No surprise, but such a welcome change from this sort of headline that I've read in the past couple of weeks: “Having rows with your spouse can make you fat” “Eating at work makes us fat” “Piling on the pounds? Blame it on jet lag” If we're ever going to win the weight and health war, we need to get real – and realize that even if we venture onto a plane, have a desk lunch or even a bit of a set-to with the husband or wife, we can still stick to the tried and tested rules at least most of the time, and give ourselves a chance. Meanwhile, I continue with my anti-inflammatory/weight loss diet, which is very easy to stick to as there are so many foods I love that I can eat without worrying. I've only lost 2lbs so far – in about two weeks – but that's okay. Six pounds more before Christmas and I'll be happy, and I'll be even more happy if I see an improvement in any of my inflammatory symptoms. Certainly, my red, dry and irritated eyes seem around 50% better already. Here's a simple sauce/side dish that's easy to make, contains all the right things and will go with a variety of meats and fishes. Try it with white fish (as I did), adding a few anchovies from a jar if you like; or with chicken, adding some basil instead of the parsley, or with a pork steak, perhaps stirring in some smoked paprika. All-purpose very healthy Mediterranean-type savoury sauce recipe To serve 2-3, roughly chop 1 beef tomato (or halve a handful of small tomatoes), 2 sun dried tomato halves, 2 or 3 pieces of grilled sweet pepper from a jar, 1 red jalapeno chilli, 2 cloves garlic and 8 stoned kala[CENSORED] olives and put in a smallish frying pan. Add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 2 tsp Moroccan tagline paste (optional – or try a squeeze of lemon juice), 2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley, 1 tbsp pine nuts, a small pinch of salt and some black pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for 10 minutes and serve with your chosen grilled, baked, roast or pan-fried meat or fish. Follow Judith's diet and well being blog by subscribing to our free health newsletter. Get a Saga Health Insurance quote today.
    2 points
  4. Loading you look like a killer hh 21 years old , with my sweety <3:
    2 points
  5. It's the time to show myself August/September - 2014 October - 2014 Sorry I don't have many images, because I don't like to smile.
    2 points
  6. Welcome To CSBD Community have fun
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Wellcome To CSBD Community , have fun
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    1 point
  12. Welcome To CSBD Community have fun
    1 point
  13. Name of the oponent: Kevin Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: Nature Watermark: csblackdevil Working time: 24HRS
    1 point
  14. my love comes and go every friday... if you know waht i mean
    1 point
  15. Nick: englezu Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  16. Nick: englezu Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  17. Nick: englezu Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  18. Nick: englezu Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  19. Nick: englezu Name of server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture of score:
    1 point
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