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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2014 in all areas

  1. Nume în joc : Biancaa -.- Vârsta : 16 ani. Nume : Bianca. Oraş : Craiova Judeţ : Dolj Ţară : România. Jocuri preferate : Multe. O scurtă descriere despre tine : Păi, sunt o fată încrezătoare, răutăcioasă, nu mă supăr repede şi ador ciocolata cu alune . De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil : Google,bineînţeles. Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!) : Toate îmi plac... O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja şi vrei să o postezi) :
    6 points
  2. ø Method of contact (Skype): young.devil940 Or Steam : Y0uunG ø Item(s) on sale: account steam level 25 , 33 games , skins cs:go , alert ban trading ø Price of the product(s): exchange with another steam account ø Product photo(s): http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/879998541.png games : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/373387692.png skins cs:go : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/388880473.png + http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/793681574.png alert trading : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/580452315.png ø Payment method: exchange with another steam account ø Other specifications: the alert can't only make trad with another person
    1 point
  3. Name of the oponent: revan Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) signature Size: 500 /300 Text: GFX battle Watermark: CsblackDevil
    1 point
  4. The newer Zombie Modification add-on is 8% done. What's new? * MetaMod linkage is completely done and functions are hooked. * Player and global classes are initiated. * GeoIP2 MMDB Geographical C++ Database has been included in order to retriever correct user country and city. * SQLite (local database system) has been included to store players' stats locally. * MySQL (remote database system) has been included and it will be optional if the customer is going to use a web site displaying players' stats. Web stats having GameTracker(tm) style will be available in the sold package. * RegEx (Regular Expressions) feature has been included. This will validate IP addresses and Steam IDs. A valid IP address show be like [0-255.0-255.0-255.0-255]. * User messages such SayText, TextMsg, ServerName and more have been registered. * Function 'loadSetting' has been created. The add-on will use a file named 'Zombie[Top Secret Name Until Done].Configurations.INI' so you can configure a lot of settings inside, including zombies' name and health. * Useless map entities remover has been completely created. Lots of useless entities will be removed for increasing server's and clients' FPS especially when the game server is heavily loaded. I will keep you up to date as the progress evolves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voi celor care ati scris mesajele in limba romana, chiar nu va puteti abtine? Ati inteles macar ce am scris? Nu am deschis subiectul pentru a vinde nimic, in cazul in care nu ati observant. Cer doar niste pareri in legatura cu noul mod. Daca chiar nu ma recomandati, din nu stiu ce motive, probabil o sa fiti uimiti cand CSBD va beneficia de aceste servicii iar Seth va prepara toate serverele Zombie ale comunitatii indeplinind criteriile impuse de el. Ce spuneti daca Seth va avea codul sursa si va pune la punct serverele comunitatii? Il considerati si pe el la fel? Intr-adevar, sper ca acum veti intelege motivul subiectului. Am nevoie de pareri ale utilizatorilor CSBD, in special de la strainii care joaca foarte mult pe serverele Zombie. Si nu va mai legati de acest subiect, tot ce tine de CSBD - Zombie va fi manevrat de Seth. Multumesc pentru citirea mesajului.
    1 point
  5. ROMANA De ceva timp m-am tot gandit sa deschid acest topic , dar nu am gasit momentul. Plecand de la premiza ca toti suntem oameni si ca inafara de gaming avem in comun si probleme reale de diverse tipuri , acest topic se adreseaza acelora ce trec printr-o problema emotionala sau de orice alt motiv. Sunt momente cand ai nevoie de un sfat si nu ai de unde sa il primesti. Cere-ne parerea si poate vei primii sfatul ce va aduce rezolvarea corecta. Nu sunt acceptate " mistouri " , postul va fi reportat drept Post-Hunt. ENGLEZA For some time I have been thinking to open this topic, but I have not found the time. Starting from the premise that we are all people and that we have in common besides gaming and real problems of various types, this topic is for those who are going through emotional problems or any other reason. There are times when you need advice and you do not where to get it. Ask our opinion and maybe you will get advice that will make the correct resolution. Not supported jokes , useless posts will be reported as Post-Hunt
    1 point
  6. "Not,i can" because you think you have "THE BOSS" in your nickname meens that you realy are a boos !? How old are you 60 !? Because the list of your gaming finished is huge and this meens that you never go to school , you stay day and night playing this games and minimaly you need 1 maybe 2 yers but you finish those so easy this is a post hunting. Civilization V !? Who told you that can be finished !? because you conquer the time and the world ?! in fact neiver you cant because i have more then 5 months i play that game and i am stll working on qonquering europe even if you use cheets that game take a lot of time lol Age of empires !? Are you [CENSORED] kidding me !? Is not neiver a real time strategy wtf and in all strategy games you got from any site or whatever you copy pasted you forgot the bests witch strategy pay do not have qonquered the world with a total war series !? the games you put on there are so old , you meen that you got those old game to the pc that can handle need for speed most wanted 2012 1? or you have changed pc every year for every new game !? This is so ironic , why !? because you have puted the most po[CENSORED]r games + in "curs de finalizar" you did not put nothing :| you are saying that you have played all those games , finished them , all one by one by your entire life and you are not playing any kind of game now !? you writed then you finished a lot of assasins creed series , you are not trying unite or maybe idk just to know even you say you completed this games all now is true :\
    1 point
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