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Nici noi nu stim motivul inca, sa speram ca zilele astea o sa ne raspunda un Administrator la email pe care il vom impartasi cu voi si vom face tot posibilul sa remediem problema !4 points
Welcome bine ai venit ahlan w sahlan Lorem ipsum Bienvenidos Bienvenue! Mirëpritur Welkom!2 points
2 points
Distribuitor: Carlos Coronado Gen: Aventura , Independente , Strategie Platforme: Max , PC Mod: Singleplayer Data lansarii: 5 Aug 2014 Scurta Descriere : Jocul a fost lansat de curand si mai exact pe 5 August 2014 , este usor de clasificat dar greu de analizat . Este un puzzle first-person care iti da sansa de a fi intr-un mediu ireal si nemaivazut . Vei controla cele 4 elemente naturale in scopul de a progresa in aceasta poveste emotiva . Are o grafica destul de realistica . Jocul se poate achizitiona de pe STEAM la pretul de 12,99 € . Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps8Lue_jwb8 Cerinte de sistem : Minim : OS: Windows XP Processor: Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce 7600 GS DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 2 GB available space Recomandat : OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4Ghz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce GTX 660 DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 2 GB available space2 points
ø Produs oferit: Steam CS:GO ø Detalii produs: Steam-ul are rank Legendary Eagle Master. ø Preț: 25 euro transfer bancar / 2 gift-uri CS:GO ø Contact: ts.csblackdevil.com , private fuzy #VALOAREDAIAMARE , sau PM pe forum ø Imagini: http://s13.postimg.org/3ylz0euxz/Untitled.png -edit- Steam-ul a fost vandut cu succes, rog un moderator sa inchida acest topic.2 points
Joc:Counter-strike 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra):HellZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Numar de sloturi:32 Mod de joc:Zombie Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype):Y!M:dj_extezi_love_music@yahoo.com Skype:markelon.vip Caut:2 OWNERI care sa ma ajute cu addons zombie plague 6.2(gen alte sv din comunitate),unul cu ajutorul platii pentru host a serverului.2 co-owneri la fel,sa ma ajute cu o suma MICA pentru host.Pentru alte informatii contactati-ma pe skype sau yahoo(Skype mai convenabil).2 OWNERS who help me with addons zombie plague 6.2(like others server in community).2 CO-OWNERS.also help me with a small amount.For another informations contact me on skype.1 point
☆ Nick: catalin ☆ Varsta: 17 ☆ Grad: Detinator ☆ Expereinta: 5 ani ☆ Poti Dona?: da Caut 2 detinatori sa doneze 7 euro lunar ofer detinator + ftp + grad pe forum. Caut 3 Staff sa doneze cate 4-5 euro pentru boost saptamanal. Caut 4 Owner sa ajute cu cate 2-3 boosturi lunar. Caut Co-Owneri care poate pot tine redirecte de la 4 ore pe zi la 10 ore. Add: cata.ionut04@yahoo.com sau Skype: traficantul21 point
Joc: Counter-Strike Global Offensive ( CS:GO ) Nume dorit : CSGO.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: CLASSIC Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): Y!M / Steam : divinefw Caut 1 Fondator care stie foarte bine sa scripteze un server de CS:GO ! Admini capabili sa admineze un server de CS:GO ! Donatori ! Model de Postare: Nick: Varsta: Ce dorest(fondator/admin): Poti dona?1 point
As far sci-fi movies have been entertaining the public, but their ideas have always been a matter of adoption in real life. Just like in any other sci-fi movie, simply touching a laptop can be enough to extract the cryptographic keys used to secure data stored on it. A team of computer security experts at Tel Aviv University (Israel) has come up with a new potentially much simpler method that lets you steal data from computers — Just Touch it — literally. WAYS TO ATTACK ENCRYPTION There are different ways of attacking encryption systems. On one side, there are security vulnerabilities and weakness in the encryption algorithms themselves that make it possible to figure out the cryptographic keys. On the other side, there are flaws and weaknesses in the people themselves that make it easier than it should be to force them to offer up the keys to decrypt something. But, Flaws and weaknesses in neither of which is necessarily quick or easy to find out, as there are several dependencies. TOUCH AND VICTIMIZE ANY COMPUTER According to Eran Tromer, Daniel Genkin, and Itamar Pipman, computer security experts at Tel Aviv University, using a simple electrical trick is enough for sophisticated hackers to gain access to thousands of encrypted keys through solely touching the chassis of the computer. Access to encrypted keys could be used to make hundreds of digital signatures used all the time by people when creating passwords, signing contracts, or perhaps most importantly, using credit and debit cards online. In order to victimize any computer, all you need to do is wear a special digitizer wristband and touch the exposed part of the system. The wristband will measure all the tiny changes in the ground electrical potential that can reveal even stronger encryption keys, such as a 4,096-bit RSA key. In fact, in some cases, you don't even have to touch the system directly with your bare hands. You can intercept encryption keys from attached network and video cables as well. Researchers called it a side-channel attack. "Our attacks use novel side channels and are based on the observation that the 'ground' electric potential in many computers fluctuates in a computation-dependent way," the researchers wrote their finding on a paper [PDF]. "An attacker can measure this signal by touching exposed metal on the computer's chassis with a plain wire, or even with a bare hand. The signal can also be measured at the remote end of Ethernet, VGA or USB cables." The researchers also note that this attack works better in hot weather, due to the lower resistance of sweaty fingers. The team will present their research in a talk titled Get Your Hands Off My Laptop: Physical Side-Channel Key-Extraction Attacks On PCs, at Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2014 (CHES 2014) in Korea, on September 23th. The actual attack can be performed quickly. According to the research, "despite the GHz-scale clock rate of the laptops and numerous noise sources, the full attacks require a few seconds of measurements using medium frequency signals (around 2 MHz), or one hour using low frequency signals (up to 40 kHz)." The team could retrieve keys from multiple test machines running a po[CENSORED]r open source encryption software called GnuPG, which implements the OpenPGP standard. The end results are mind-blowing, as the researchers write: Using GnuPG as our study case, we can, on some machines: distinguish between the spectral signatures of different RSA secret keys (signing or decryption), and fully extract decryption keys, by measuring the laptop's chassis potential during decryption of a chosen ciphertext. Although, the information retrieval was better when used with high-end lab equipment. The researchers also have successfully executed this attack by using a smartphone connected to Ethernet shielding via its headphone port, which they found sufficient in some scenarios. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about overly grabby strangers stealing your data just yet, because the technique primarily focuses on GnuPG's encryption software, which already got a patch ready to fix the problem to limit the effects. Attackers also have to monitor the electricity changes during the decryption process, so they get hold of your data, which isn't quite easy.1 point
1 point
Imi place ca este un staff activ o atmonsfera buna si multe sv in comunitate sigur comunitatea este in dezvoltare dar pun pariu ca va ajunge cea mai buna din lume!!!! :D Continuati !!!1 point
⌂ Drop The Beat/Bass ⌂ Very po[CENSORED]r now days since the people witch want to feel more adrenaline starts becoming more and more . House club music , Electro - :\ BullShit !!!!! Dirty Club Music , Drop The Beat/Bass - ♪ Wahoooo !!! ♪ Technicly , thats why the mighty of tomorrowland exists ! Club DJ - :\ Not that Good ! Clasic persones wering CLOTHES !! wtf !? And putting music like in VLC Media player ! "" Absolutly !!! Usualy Program Used : Virtual DJ LaunchPad Mashup ( Item to make Dubstep Better ) Dirty Club , The Beat DJ : Now this guys Make the Beat Really DROP !!! Like : At 00:38 The Beat DROP !!!! Usualy Program Used : Fl Studio ( Plus Piano connection with nexus or sulenth [ for dirty ] ) Well my list , Is full of it ! Better listen this songs in a SoundCloud List because in youtube Sucks :\ ! Now Lets put the songs ! The ultimate one is a nice one , the video , sucks :| ! Enjoy !1 point
1 point
Rusia ne-a obişnuit cu tot felul de incidente bizare înregistrate de camerele de supraveghere amplasate pe bordul maşinilor, însă această întâmplare le întrece pe toate. Un şofer neatent este luat la BĂTAIE de MICKEY MOUSE şi prietenii lui. Bizarul incident a avut loc pe o şosea din oraşul Chelyabinsk, pe 30 august, după miezul nopţii. Pe imagini se vede cum o dubiţă îi taie calea unui microbuz, fortandu-l să oprească. Şoferul dubitei se da jos nervos şi începe să ţipe la conducătorul microbuzului. Nu durează mult până ce din microbuz se dau jos, că într-o reclamă, mai mulţi eroi din desenele animate: Veveriţa SCRAT din Ice Age, LUNTIK, SPONGEBOB şi MICKEY MOUSE. Rapid, aceştia îl pun la pământ pe şoferul dubitei şi nu se lasă până nu îi aplică o BĂTAIE zdravănă. Pe internet, deşi bărbatul a fost bătut bine de cele patru personaje, incidentul a stârnit un val de comentarii haioase. “Nu va spune nimănui ce s-a întâmplat în acea zi” sau “Să-l auzim cum va explică asta poliţiei”, sunt doar două dintre comentariile internauţilor. Clipul a fost postat pe 2 septembrie şi a strâns deja peste 1.6 milioane de vizualizări.1 point
1 point
1 point
Pro or Contra??? Stop being a baby, all the Administrators know how to work and know to whom they can give (ban or suspended), and there is no need to open this discussion. Topic Closed!1 point
Iti ofer eu 5 boost-uri pe luna (fara grad) , daca pui in mesaje.ini - Te-ai plictisit de classic? hai la un jb pe jb.csblackdevil.com Daca vrei lasa reply1 point
1. Uploadăm acea imagine pe site-ul: http://postimage.org/ 2. Dăm click pe butonul "Caută", şi vom bifa optiunea "Conţinut simplu". 3. Selectăm o imagine din propriul computer, apoi vom da click pe butonul "Open", şi butonul "Porneşte!". 4. Vom da click pe butonul "Copiază în clipboard" (butonul încercuit). 5. Acum vom apăsa pe butoanele CTRL şi V în acelaş timp, pentru a ne apărea link-ul cu imaginea. Rezultat:1 point
1 point
Cei de la Setti au ceva numit boost pt go , dar serverul il poti po[CENSORED] cu baietii de pe ts3 care joaca go sunt cam 15 - 20 deci + membrii forumului il poti po[CENSORED] ..1 point
1 point
1 point
Pack-uri colectionate de catre Freezmy Folositile cu placere 1. http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/99335846/file.html 2. http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/52003813/file.html 3. http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/95085876/file.html1 point
CUM ACTIVEZ CONSOLA ÎN CS GO / HOW TO ACTIVATE CS:GO CONSOLE / RO Consola în Counter-Strike este o fereastră terminal asemănătoare unui terminal linux, unde putem introduce comenzi specifice jocului, schimba valorile cvarurilor, verifica informaţii despre jucătorii de pe server, putem executa configuri sau schimba linii din config. Este o unealtă puternică şi ne uşurează schimbările dorite, altfel ar fi mai greu. Aceasta nu este activată, când instalaţi jocul. Activarea ei este foarte uşoară. Acest tutorial vă va arăta cum să faceţi acest lucru. EN Console in Counter-Strike is a terminal window like a linux terminal, where we introduce game-specific commands, change the values of cvars, check information about the players on the server can run configure or change the config lines. It is a powerful tool and we facilitate the desired changes, otherwise it would be harder. This is not enabled when you install the game. Activating them is very easy. This tutorial will show you how to do this. 1. Porniţi jocul. 2. Intraţi în meniul din HELP & OPTIONS. 3. Daţi click pe GAME SETTINGS. 4. Setaţi Enable Developer Console pe Yes. RO O altă metodă la fel de uşoară este trecerea comenzii -console în SET LAUNCH OPTIONS. Aceasta se află în Library, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, click dreapta şi Properties. Daţi click pe SET LAUNCH OPTIONS şi introduceţi -console. Daţi OK şi aveţi consola activată. Deschideţi consola cu tasta ~ . EN Another method is to write -console command in SET LAUNCH OPTIONS. This is the Library, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, right click and Properties. Click SET LAUNCH OPTIONS and enter -console. Give OK and you have console enabled. Open the console with the ~ key.1 point
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