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  1. He tried to give an answer. Well if you want, D@rk can give you "Warn +2" for each T/C he sees,but he preferred to just do one. Above each subforum rules are the general rules.
    5 points
  2. Name: Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Genre: Fighting Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows Released: March 5, 2013 Manufacturer : CyberConnect2 Distributor: Namco Bandai Games GamePlay The game features 83 playable characters (84 playable characters in full blast ) , including several new , making it the largest cast of the Ultimate Ninja series . The combat system has been modified, with the mode of awakening, a state that gave each character a greater capacity when his health was low and may be used at any time during a fight , for certain characters. As in previous games , the player can choose two characters to help the player character in battle. Attending characters can now also help reproducible one through use of thirteen different types of combinations . In addition, attendees have health bars , losing health each time they succeed, ultimately being unusable when their health bars deplete . Several scenarios have become interactive , so that the player automatically loses a fight if they leave a specific area. Development Leaks of a new Naruto game were first shown online through the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump in June 2012 with Namco Bandai Games, confirming that it was Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 soon after. Along with the official announcement, Yusuke Sasaki Namco Bandai promised improvements in the fight against the system and story mode. In order to make it more interactive areas , and to add more strategy to the fights , the staff said the ring option . The story mode has been developed to be accessible to people who are not familiar with the Naruto series . CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama also promised the return of " epic battles " that were absent in Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. Bandai promotes great improvements in game graphics use in the first trailer that was released in July 2012. Two of the alternate costumes available for Naruto Uzumaki, a tailored uniform samurai and Goku were based on Masashi Kishimoto artwork published in an edition of Shonen Jump and art book . Both attracted producer Yuki Nishikawa, who consulted other members of the company in order to include them in the game feel . Minimum requirements Platform: Windows XP , Vista, 7 or 8 Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core or equivalent AMD Memory: 8GB of Ram Graphics Card: 512 MB ​​and Pixel Shader 4.0 DirectX: 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB of free space Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9 Recommended requirements Platform: Windows XP , Vista, 7 or 8 Processor: 2.3 GHz or equivalent AMD Core Qua Memory: 8GB of Ram Graphics Card: 1024 MB , DirectX 10 and Pixel Shader 4.0 DirectX: 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB of pounds Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9 Trailer Other Images
    2 points
  3. V1 agree with Gh!LOИ
    1 point
  4. v1 v2 v3 Start voting!
    1 point
  5. Salutare,te rog sa faci o cerere la aceasta sectiune : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/853-afilieri/ . Iar unul dintre administratori iti va raspunde daca serverul tau a fost acceptat sau nu in comunitatea noastra.
    1 point
  6. Angelina Jolie (38 de ani) pare că a reaprins dragostea iubirii cu Jared Leto (42 de ani), fiind tot mai apropiată de laureatul cu premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun rol secundar. Actorul Jared Leto i-a căzut cu tronc Angelinei Jolie. Presa din SUA scrie că Brad Pitt (50 de ani) este supărat pe partenera sa, care este vizibil copleşită de sentimente pentru Leto, cu care a avut o relaţie în 2004, exact înainte de a se cupla cu el. “Spune mereu că arată foarte bine şi că este un actor extraordinar”, au dezvăluit surse apropiate cuplului. Brad Pitt i-ar fi făcut Angelinei şi câteva crize de gelozie când a aflat că viitoarea sa soţie, cu care trebuie să facă nuntă în vara acestui an, se vede tot mai des cu Leto. Deşi Angelina l-a asigurat că întâlnirile au scop profesional, ea dorindu-l pe actor într-un viitor film al său, Brad începe să aibă dubii cu privire la viitorul mariaj. Asta şi după ce a aflat că ea a fost foarte îndrăgostită de Leto şi că, la un moment dat, după relaţia eşuată din 2003 cu el, le-ar fi spus unor prietene că “dacă nu a mers cu Jared, mă mulţumesc şi cu Brad”. Starul i-a dat un ultimatum Angelinei, cerându-i să nu se mai vadă cu Leto, dar, cum ea nu are de gând să facă acest lucru, s-ar putea ca în curând să auzim de o despărţire.
    1 point
  7. My nick :ArtyoM<- Name of server:AnarQia13.CsBlackDevil.com Picture of score:
    1 point
  8. http://www.premiumpixels.com/download/?file=light-metal-grids
    1 point
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