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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2014 in all areas

  1. Bun, aştept un PM din partea fondatorului în cauză, pentru a comfirma această cerere. O seară bună.
    6 points
  2. Nu aveţi posibilitatea de a implementa acea imagine în semnătura dumnneavoastră, deoarece aici intervine restricţia impusă de către administraţie la unele grupuri cum ar fi, Member, Manager CS1.6, Afiliat, etc. Mărimea unei semnături trebuie să fie cea standard 400x180. Dacă întâlniţi la un membru o semnătură mai extinsă decât cea standard, sau chiar mai multe imagini într-o semnătură, înseamnă că schimbarea a fost realizată prin intermediul unui grup diversificat ex. Loyalty Club, sau prin intermediul unui grup administrativ ex. Moderator. P.s.: Am ataşat acea imagine în semnătura dumneavoastră.
    5 points
  3. Name: Amnesia A Machine for Pigs Gender: Action / Aventure (Horror) Platform: PC / Mac / Linux Release Date: September 10, 2013 Fabricator: The Chinese Room Distributor: Frictonial Games Description Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is a survival horror video game developed by The Chinese Room and produced and published by Frictional Games. The game is an indirect sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent, developed and produced by Frictional Games. While set in the same universe as the previous game, it features an entirely new cast of characters and time setting. Gameplay The game is a survival horror game played from a first-person perspective. Players explore the environments using a lantern, with diary entries and notes providing information on the lost memory of the title character. Some elements of The Dark Descent have been removed, while new elements have been added. One of the reasons for this is to provide a fresh gameplay experience to veteran players of The Dark Descent. The inventory has been removed, along with the oil and tinderboxes. Most of the puzzles that occur in the game are based on physically interacting with the environment because of this change. The sanity mechanic of the first game has been removed as well, meaning that the darkness and looking at the creatures no longer causes any drawbacks. Health regenerates whenever a player is damaged after a certain period of time. The game's level design has been touted as "significantly different" from that of The Dark Descent, with larger areas and outdoor environments included. AI was also adjusted to ensure players are unable to predict enemy behavior based on their experiences with the original game. However, the core of the game remains the same as in The Dark Descent, so as not to disappoint fans who want more of what they loved in the original. Trailer System Requirements Operating system: Windows 7 Processor: 2.0 Ghz or equivalent CPU core i7. Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce high-range 5x0 / ATI Radeon HD 6x00. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but is not supported; problems are solved with a driver Generally update. Hard disk: 5 GB of free space Other images
    4 points
  4. Nick: Chuy- Name Of Server: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    4 points
  5. Name: Amnesia: Tthe Dark Descent Gender: Action / Adventure (Terror) Platform: PC / Mac / Linux Release Date: September 8, 2012 Fabricator: Frictonial Games Distributor: Frictonial Games Description Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a survival horror video game by Frictional Games, released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms, the game features a protagonist named Daniel exploring a dark and foreboding castle, while Avoiding monsters and other obstructions as well as solving puzzles. Critically The game was well received, earning two awards from the Independent Games Festival and multitude numerous positive reviews. Gameplay Amnesia is an adventure game based on exploration and with a first-person perspective. The player has access to weapons, and must use his wits to avoid gruesome creatures that inhabit the castle Brennenburg or hide from them. In addition to a health indicator, Daniel's sanity must be managed. Being in darkness too long, witnessing unsettling events, or staring at monsters will reduce Daniel's sanity, causing visual and auditory hallucinations and drawing the attention of monsters. Light sources help restore sanity, and if none are available Daniel may use tinderboxes to ignite candles in wall sconces and candelabra, or deploy an oil-burning lantern found near the beginning of the game. However, the number of tinderboxes and the amount of oil available are both limited, and standing in a light source also makes the player more noticeable to monsters. The player must balance the amount of time Daniel spends in light and shadow. Sanity is fully restored once Daniel completes an objective or progresses the game's story. It may also be restored by staying in the shadows until Daniel passes out, but this leaves him extremely vulnerable to any nearby monsters. Trailer System Requirements Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: 2GHz - the low-end CPUs as Celeron or Duron will need twice the speed Memory: 2 GB of RAM Memory: 3 GB of free space Graphics: Radeon X1000 / GF 6 - can that integrated chipsets and very low-end cards do not work. Other images
    3 points
  6. Nick pe forum poti sal schimbi odata la 6 luni am facut un mic video cum poti schimba nick daca nu stii priveste
    2 points
  7. Nick: ((*Iy@dH*)) Name Of Server: GeekGaming.Zm Picture Of Score:
    2 points
  8. SImplu: dai la my seitings sau la edit my profil apoi in stanga ai dysplay name apoi o sa iti apara doua casute in prima bagi noul nick iar in a doua bagi parola si dai save,cam atat.
    1 point
  9. Nick: Real Black Ideas Name of server: Hellzone.CsBlackDevil.Com
    1 point
  10. The Provocari say : Hackstory vs Hellwalks
    1 point
  11. hellwalks is busy and therefore will not participate in this battle. the battle will be between: Shkodra, Serjj and kevincinho. V1: V2: V3: start to vote.
    1 point
  12. Salut, In primul rand cu cat ai mai multe jocuri pe Steam cu atat mai bine. In al doilea rand jucand pe ele faci experienta, gasesti items si astfel iti creste si lvl-ul de la Steam. Insignele sunt acele badges care le obtii in acelasi fel....ideea de baza este ca jucand cat mai mult vei obtine level up si badges pentru steam. Daca dai click pe level vezi ca o sa gasesti o fereastra si cu alte task-uri pe care le poti face pentru a mari experienta de la level...gen sa faci un review la un joc sau sa postezi un ss. Daca mai ai si alte intrebari nu ezita sa ma adaugi pe Steam si mai discutam. O zi buna.
    1 point
  13. Kevincho Delete some messages please because i cannot give you any message i cannot give you my creation :| !
    1 point
  14. Nick: KoZoFsKy Name Of Server: ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  15. Salut, mam gandit sa fac si eu un pack cu resourcele mele. Acest pack contine: - 21 Renders ! - 93 CD4 ! - 26 Textures ! Download (link) ---> http://www.fileshare.ro/e30006009 Daca va fost de folos "LIKE"
    1 point
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