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  1. Okey And so if you will accept we know you are the winer ^-^! Dai T/C te rog
    2 points
  2. Setting Game Launch Options Right-click on the game title under the Library in Steam and select Properties. Under the General tab click the "Set launch options" button. Enter the launch options you wish to apply (be sure to separate each code with a space) and click OK. Close the game's Properties window and launch the game. Monitor -w 640 -h 480 (forces the resolution to 640x480) -w 800 -h 600 (forces the resolution to 800x600) -w 1024 -h 768 (forces the resolution to 1024x768) -full (forces fullscreen mode) -windowed (forces window mode) -freq x (forces the monitor to use x hertz) Video -gl (run in OpenGL) -d3d (run in Direct3d) -soft (run in software mode) DirectX -dxlevel 90 (DirectX 9) -dxlevel 81 (DirectX 8.1) -dxlevel 80 (DirectX 8) -dxlevel 70 (DirectX 7) -dxlevel 60 (DirectX 6) Other -16bpp (forces the colors to 16bit) -32bpp (forces the colors to 32bit) -heapsize x (specify the number (x) of memory to use) -zone x (allocates x amount of KiloBytes of memory for use with the console system) -noip (disables the use of UDP, which is part of the TCP/IP protocol) -noipx (disables the use of the IPX/SPX protocol) -nojoy (disables joystick support (shaves a little bit off the memory footprint) -wavonly (disables the use of direct sound (only use if you are having sound problems) -noaafonts (disables Anti-Aliasing of screen fonts) -autoconfig (restores video and performance settings to default) -condebug (logs all console output into the console.log text file)
    1 point
  3. Am deschis acest topic pentru Membrii care stiu sa faca fraze propoziti frumoase de exemplu am sa va arat eu mai jos mai multe facute de mine : - Unii îți promit că nu vor pleca niciodată. Și nu pleacă. Dar , cu siguranță,uită de tine , chiar dacă rămân pe-aproape ! - Eşti băiat , îţi place să vezi fetele plângând ! Să nu uiţi că într-o zi vei fii tată , şi te va durea să-ţi vezi fata plângând ! - Nu te aştepta la prea multe de la mine , pentru că am învăţat să nu ofer mai mult decât primesc ! - Într-o zi , te voi face să fii mândru c-am fost a ta pentru o clipă şi ruşinat că n-ai ştiut să mă păstrezi. Promit ! - Nu mai lupta pentru cineva care nu-și dorește să lupți pentru el !
    1 point
  4. Cand imi doream mai tare sa castig , am fost exclus din echipa scolii la fotbal . :-?? Nu stiu , sper ca ti-am fost de folos cat de putin .. Ma mai gandesc si iti mai spun . Dar trebuie ceva despre dragoste ? :S
    1 point
  5. Name of challenge you: version on Theme works: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Size: 400x180 Text: Design Watermark:Free Working time: 1 day Shooting (votes): 15 votes P.S : I am not provocation you version, i only want to do a battle
    1 point
  6. refuse i dont have time http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/87366-acceptat-absenta-version/ sorry
    1 point
  7. Mai degraba esti tu decat sa fii altincineva!Stai de partea ta si nu te ascunde mai bine cu raul tau decat cu binele mincinos! Ce e viata omului...azi esti si suferi di anumite motive dar viata merge inainte apoi intr-o secunda poti sa nu mai fii si sufera altii de disparitia ta dar ...viata merge inainte...paradoxal....nu se tine cont de nimic si fiecare se minte ca ba aici va fi mai bine ba dupa plecarea in cer se va schimba....si uite asa traim si murim mintindu-ne.... Fa în așa fel încât cu zâmbetul tău sa schimbi lumea dar ai grija ca lumea sa nu te schimbe pe tine.
    1 point
  8. Name: Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall Gender: Action / FPS Platform: PC / Xbox 360 / PS3 Release Date: April 16, 2013 Fabricator: Arkane Studios Distributor: Bethesda Sotfwork Description: The Dagger of Dunwall is the second downloadable content Dishonored, after excellent Dunwall City Trials. Reach PS3, 360 and PC simultaneously and offers a new single player campaign at the price of about 10 € approximately -800 360 Microsoft Points - and is now available for download from all major digital platforms. Gameplay: The Dagger of Dunwall where Dishonored begins with the assassination of the Empress, only now resume the action that occurred then in the life of Daud, the character under control in these three additional chapters. Given his actions, the leader of the clan murderer Whalers is visited by The Stranger, who guides him on a hard search in order to find redemption, if loving her. It shall give Delilah, What or who completely mysterious and guide your steps through new areas Dunwall like Slaughterhouse Rothwild or the richest city Legal Barrio, both not yet traveled in the adventures of attano . Although it is an accessible content from the very start menu, once downloaded, and you can go without having finished all the chapters of Dishonored, the fact is that the player takes to see that The Dagger of Dunwall is designed for those have already played Dishonored, their proposal has the basic mechanical know and do spoilers central adventure to some extent, it is advisable to go to him once the journey of Corvo finished better tie the narrative ends and enjoy more. There are tutorials that explain again how a static display Wink works, how to take and what elixirs or changing weapons roulette gadgets and magical abilities. But everything is more direct, less introductory, placed immediately in strenuous levels full of Enmig and several courses of action, as the second half of the original game. They are generous in size maps. The truth is quite the costs have been adjusted to the powers and effectiveness in the use is more plural, although Wink again be decisive in moving the heights or seek concealment. It has also turned to some extent the imposition of the fighting. Now there are more areas of a single path that almost force the frontal collision, there are also more open floor plans where more than ten twelve opponents-something soldiers rarely seen in the levels of many interior Dishonored-guarded or arranged by guardians and afflicted. Trailer: System Requirements: • Windows Vista / Windows 7 • Processor: Quad Core 2.4 GHz or higher (enhanced for multicore processors) • Memory: 4 GB of RAM • Hard Drive: 9 GB of free space • Video Card: 768MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 or higher (nVidia GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 5850) Other images:
    1 point
  9. Nick:UNIIVERSAL2000 Age:15 Skype ID:nicustoika_60 Y!M:-- Why you want admin: i want to help the server (vreau sa ajut serverul) You have something to add:if that's is your sv want to play on it (daca este sv tau vreau sa joc pe el si ma multumesc si cu helper) Edit KIT: In cazul in care mai doresti sa adaugi careva idei,trebuie sa folosesti butonul edit si sa introduci ideia in postul precedent.Este interzis sa faci dublu-post ! Acum esti avertizat,la urmatoarea abatere vei fi sanctionat !
    1 point
  10. ♥ Zice ea că te iubeşte, dar nu ca inima mea. ♥ De ce îmi spui că iubeşti când tot ce faci e să răneşti ? ♥ Dacă pleacă de tot practic îţi face o favoare. ♥ Dragostea noastră a crescut cu fiecare zi petrecută împreună. ♥ FETE .. Poţi avea în fiecare noapte câte una. DEGEABA, dacă n-ai una pentru TOTDEAUNA. ♥ Ai fost, eşti şi vei rămâne mereu special pentru mine. ♥ Chiar dacă vorbim rar, atunci când vorbesc cu tine sunt cea mai fericită.
    1 point
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