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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2013 in all areas
Numele celui care il provoci: Florin.GFX, Revan and Collection. Tema Lucrari: http://i.imgur.com/1hdhzXX.png Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Semnatura. Marime: 400x200 Text: Free Watermark: CSBLACKDEVIL Timp de lucru: 24 Hour. Finalizare (voturi): 15 Vote.2 points
[RO] ¤ Nume în joc: K|@nD3$TiN ¤ Vârsta: 18 ¤ Nume: Ionut ¤ Oraș: Zarnesti ¤ Județ: Brasov ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: Counter-Strike , Call of Dutty , Need For Speed , Grand Theft Auto ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Sunt o persoana de treaba si de mare incredere, imi place sa practic tot felul de sporturi de iarna si de vara si sa ma distrez cu toti prietenii mei! ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: De la Prietenul meu Google! ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): RESPAWN.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): - [EN] ¤ Name in game: K|@nD3$TiN ¤ Age: 18 ¤ Name: Ionut ¤ City: Zarnesti ¤ Contry: Brasov ¤ Country: Romania ¤ Favorite Games: Counter-Strike , Call of Dutty , Need For Speed , Grand Theft Auto ¤ A short description about you: I am a nice person and very reliable , I like almost all kinds of winter sports and summer and party with all my friends! ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: From my friend Google! ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): RESPAWN.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): -1 point
Researchers from Finland have discovered that playing computer games can harmonize players’ emotional responses and brain activity. Scientists measured the activity of facial muscles and imaging the brain while individuals were gaming, and found that people go through similar emotions and display matching brainwaves. The study is published in PLOS ONE. Experts say that it is well known that people who communicate face-to-face will start to imitate each other. For example, people adopt each other’s poses and gestures, much like infectious yawning. What is less known is that the very physiology of interacting people shows a type of mimicry — which we call synchrony or linkage, explains Michiel Sovijärvi-Spap, lead researcher. In the study, test participants play a computer game called Hedgewars, in which they manage their own team of animated hedgehogs and in turns shoot the opposing team with ballistic artillery. The goal is to destroy the opposing team’s hedgehogs. The research team varied the amount of competitiveness in the gaming situation: players teamed up against the computer and they were also pinned directly against each other. The players were measured for facial muscle reactions with facial electromyography, or fEMG, and their brainwaves were measured with electroencephalography, EEG. The research scientists found linkage in the fEMG: two players showed both similar emotions similar brainwaves at similar times. A linkage was also in the brainwaves with EEG, tells Sovijärvi-Spapé. Remarkably, the more competitive the gaming becomes, the more in sync are the emotional responses of the players. Although counterintuitive, investigators discovered the effect increases as a game becomes more competitive. That is, the more competitive the game becomes, the more the players’ positive emotions begin to reflect each other. All the while their experiences of negative emotions increase. Researchers believe the findings point to areas for further study. For example, feeling others’ emotions could be particularly beneficial in competitive settings: the linkage may enable one to better anticipate the actions of opponents. Another interpretation suggested by the group is that the physical linkage of emotion may work to compensate a possibly faltering social bond while competing in a gaming setting.1 point
1 point
1 point
Dacă doriţi ca atunci când daţi click pe imagine, să nu vă mai trimită pe link-ul respectiv, ştergeţi textul fără culoarea roşie (exact ca în imaginea de mai jos).1 point
1. Uploadăm acea imagine pe site-rul: http://postimage.org/ 2. Dăm click pe butonul "Caută", şi vom bifa optiunea "Conţinut simplu". 3. Selectăm o imagine din propriul computer, apoi vom da click pe butonul "Open", şi butonul "Porneşte!". 4. Vom da click pe butonul "Copiază în clipboard" (butonul încercuit). 5. Acum vom apăsa pe butoanele CTRL şi V în acelaş timp, pentru a ne apărea link-ul cu imaginea. Rezultat:1 point
Nick : Star^Scream~> Name of server : ZmDarkNight.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture of score :1 point
Nick: Star^Scream~> Name Of Server: ZmDarkNight.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:1 point
Doi tineri pasionaţi de domino au petrecut trei luni încercând să creeze un lanţ domino din aproape 25.000 de piese, iar efectele obţinute sunt absolut senzaţionale. Cei doi tineri s-au străduit zile şi nopţi pentru a pune la punct la milimetru piesele, iar apoi au filmat întregul lanţ, înregistrarea fiind apoi urcată pe YouTube, unde a adunat, în doar trei zile, aproape 5,5 milioane de vizualizări.1 point
Imi cer scuze ca ma bag dar nu mai face reclama la alte comunitati daca esti amabil!1 point
1 point
1 point
Me impresionaron! Both are excellent, but i'm going v1, great smudge..1 point
1 point
Deci,asa cum nu fiecare dintre noi are PC performant eu m-am gindit sa va prezint acest tutorial,care desigur va inbunatati si calitatea jocului de Counter Strike. Sa incepem modificarile: 1).Prima modificare va ajuta la utilizarea bandei de internet oferita de providerul vostru. Click Start si selectam Run. Scriem "Gpedit.msc" si dam Enter. Dam expand la "Local Computer Policy". Expand "Administrative Templates". Expand "Network". Avem "QoS Packet Scheduler" in fereastra din stanga. In fereastra din dreapta dublu click pe "limit reservable bandwidth" . Selectati "Enable" iar valoarea % sa fie 0. Apply and OK. 2).Aceasta modificare va mari viteza interfetei windowsului. Click dreapta pe Desktop / Propreties. Selectam "Apearence" si apoi click "Effects". Debifam totul cu exceptia "Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation.....". Apasam OK. 3).Modificarea data,va inbunatati viteza in navigare. Deschidem "My Computer". Click "Tools" / "Folder Options". Debifam casuta cu "Automatically search....". Apply si OK. 4).Verificarea driverelor semnate pot reduce crashurile. Deschidem "Start" si apoi "Run. Tastam "Sigverif.exe" in casuta. Click "Start". 5).Oprirea serviciilor inutile pot reduce consumul procesorului si al RAM-ului. Deschidem Control Panel si selectam "Administrative Tools". Selectam iconita cu "Services". Pentru a dezactiva un "Service" click dreapta pe el si "Stop". Acum va prezint ''Lista cu programele ce trebuiesc oprite'' : Computer Browser Distributed Link Tracking Client Error Reporting Service Indexing Service IPSEC Services Logical Disk Manager Net Logon NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Performance Logs and Alerts Portable Media Serial Number QoS RSVP Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Remote Registry Service Security Accounts Manager Security Center Smart Card SSDP Discovery Service Task Scheduler Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal PnP Device Host Internet Connection Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing Windows Time Wireless Zero Configuration.(In cazul in care nu aveti careva dispozitive fara cablu puteti deconecta.) Ps: Unele programe pot fi deja deconectate,depinde de sistema de operare pe care o aveti ! 6).Defragmentarea HDD-ului va pune fisiearele in ordine, astfel computerul lucreaza mai repede. De dorit sa-l defragmentati saptamanal ! Deschidem "My Computer". Click dreapta pe partitia C / D .. Mergem la "Tools. Click "Defragment now". 7).Aceasta modificare ajuta RAM-ul pentru o functionare mai optima. Mergem la "Start", selectam "Run" si scriem "Regedit".( sau mai simplu tastati butonul ''windows''+r) Deschidem: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/ControlSession/ManagerMemory/Management. Dublu click pe "DisablePagingExecutive", selectam Decimal si punem 1 in casuta. Dublu click pe "LargeSystemCache" , selectam Decimal si puneti 1 in casuta. Adaugam new "Dword" by clicking in the "Memory Management".Odata ce am creat-o, o redenumim "IOPageLockLimit".Dublu click pe el, Hexdecimal. In caseta text adaugam: 4000 -(in cazul in care aveti 128 MB Ram). 10000 -(in cazul in care aveti 256 MB Ram). 40000 -(in cazul in care aveti 512 MB Ram sau mai mult). Restartati calculatorul. 8).Aceasta modificare ajuta la marirea vitezei prin crearea unui Tweak File. Selectam Start / Run -- MsConfig. Selectam "SYSTEM.INI". Intram in "ConservativeSwapFileUsage=1" sub sectiunea "386enh". Click "OK" si resetartam PC-ul. 9).Inca un tweak ce influenteaza viteza. Pe scurt, micsoreaza timpul de boot al sistemului. Mergem la "Start" / "Run" apoi tastam "Regedit". Cautati : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control/Session Manager/Memory Management/PrefetchParameters. Dublu click pe "EnablePrefetcher" , in casuta "Decimal" puneti 3. Apasam OK si rebootam PC-ul. 10).Boost your speed computer ! Aici e relativ simplu , tot ce aveti de facut este sa descarcati un program de imbunatatire a vitezei PC-ului dvs , recomand PC TuneUp Utilities / AVG PC TuneUp , care va defragmenteaza, dezactiveaza driverele inactive , curata /system32 de cooki-uri / logs / registere inutile pentru PC , dar care il incetinesc .1 point
Nick: *Ultimo* Name Of Server: ZMDarkNight.CsBlackDevil.Com Picture Of Score:1 point
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