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Polyphony Digital has long been the king of simulation racing. Its Gran Turismo franchise broke onto the scene a decade ago on the original PlayStation and revolutionized what a videogame racing title could be. The second game pushed the envelope, while the third and fourth hit the PlayStation 2 and pushed the genre to unparalleled heights. Some 47 million shipped copies later, Gran Turismo is making its first official "full" release on the PlayStation 3 with Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Much like GT4 Prologue, the game serves as something of a taster for the full Gran Turismo 5 experience, which is still a year or so out. Some folks are calling it a demo, which I don't think is entirely correct. While it's true that the amount of content pales in comparison to what we'll see with the full GT5 release, Prologue still includes roughly 70 cars and a half-dozen tracks, a couple of which feature alternative routes that drastically change their layout, bumping the number of "unique" courses closer to 10, and that's not counting reverse routes. Content-wise, this means you're getting more cars than some competing racers out there (such as Need for Speed ProStreet), though the track count is certainly less. So what it comes down to is whether or not you love the Gran Turismo racing experience. If do you, Prologue is a no-brainer of a purchase and you won't be able to put the controller down. One thing that you won't find in GT5 Prologue is license tests. Rather than having to complete a series of tests to earn the right to race, you can jump right into the C class events. Completing all of those unlocks the B class, which leads to the A and then S classes. Each class contains 10 events which can be played in any order and range from standard races to a time trial to having to run from last place to first in a single race. The progression is pretty good, and I dig the way things are laid out quite a bit. It's easy to tell if your currently selected ride can compete as a flag next to each race will be grayed out if you can't enter. However, the amount of cash that you earn from each race doesn't scale as well as I'd like, so in order to complete every race in the game you'll have to do some serious grinding for cash in order to simply be able to afford the cars you need. The bare-minimum ride selection will cost you somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 million credits, while the biggest payoff you'll get for any race is around 30k credits. Considering that most of the races pay far less than this, you're looking at a whole lot of repeat laps in order to fill your stable with only the required rides, much less the ones that you just want to own. And if you want to buy the Ferrari F2007 formula car for 2 million credits, well, you'll be driving for a while. Fortunately though, the driving mechanics far more than pay off and make running the same races time and time again a pleasure for the most part. Polyphony has once again absolutely nailed how each and every car feels (and sounds), giving each vehicle a character and voice of its own. Cars will understeer or oversteer exactly as their real-world counterparts would and drive very, very predictably. You can almost always predict what your ride is going to do in any instance simply because everything works exactly as you'd expect it to. This may sound weird, but once you get behind the wheel of any of the game's cars, you'll know what I mean. While the previous games, and especially Gran Turismo 4, felt great, they're nothing compared to GT5 Prologue. Each car has its own, very distinct feel. In other games, upgrading to a more powerful vehicle may simply give you a higher top speed, better acceleration or tighter cornering, but Gran Turismo gives you much more than that. You actually get a sense of how the weight is distributed simply from driving a car, with Polyphony pulling off some sort of magic trick as cars actually feel like they have weight to them. Not just mass, but correct and region-specific weight. It's something that's hard to describe with words, but, again, once you've taken a few laps in a Ferrari F430, you'll know what I mean. Though the track count is limited to a total of six selections, all of the courses are great fun. Even the Daytona Speedway, which is just an oval in its basic setup, becomes interesting to drive when you switch to its largely road-based alternative setup. The cream of the crop in terms of visuals is definitely London, which shows off Prologue's impeccable lighting model. And it's certainly no slouch of a raceway, either. Online Gaming : Gran Turismo 5 Prologue is the first mass-produced Gran Turismo game to feature online multiplayer. Up to 16 players can play online at once in GT5 Prologue. Since Gran Turismo 5's development cycle is so long, GT5 Prologue's servers are no longer available after two years of being online and the gaming only serving as a prologue. Gran Turismo 4 for the PlayStation 2 was intended to be an online game but this feature was pulled prior to the game's release to avoid further delays; a beta of GT4 online was even released. Gran Turismo HD Concept also featured an online feature but only on a Time Trial basis. The game is availeble on PS3,PS2,Xbox360,PSP and PC For the price of 39.99 $ on Bluray disk and playstation store download .4 points
Assasin's Creed 3 Ţin minte destul de clar senzaţia golaşă şi uşor dezamăgită pe care am avut-o după ce am terminat primul Assassin’s Creed. O migală greu de contestat era prezentă în întreg decorul, în animaţiile care ilustrau capacităţile de căţărare ale lui Altair şi, nu în ultimul rând, în level design-ul care asigura un parkour destul de continuu şi fluid. Însă repetitivitatea misiunilor secundare, accentuată de lipsa generală de activităţi suplimentare, şi rigiditatea mecanicilor subminau puternic motivaţia într-o lume open-world. Apoi a venit AC2 şi cele două „expansion”-uri care au descris peregrinările lui Ezio în Epoca Renascentistă, mult mai stufoase şi personalizabile, băgând sub preş o parte din neajunsurile care îmi tăiaseră elanul în trecut. Aspectul de management economic, cel de RPG manager pe care îl aduceau asasinii pe care-i puteai antrena, numeroasele misiuni secundare din mai multe categorii şi personalizarea protagonistului mai permisivă au generat un soi de dependenţă şi febră a hârciogului de achievements în mine. Povestea se desfăşoară lent, dar destul de intens, punctând un scenariu conspirativ destul de direct şi transparent care, chiar dacă nu surprinde prin complexitate, impresionează prin convingerile puternice ale fiecărui templier pe cale să-şi dea duhul. Controlezi succesiv doi eroi – în primele patru segmente ale firului principal personajul controlat este Haytham Kenway, un gentilom care, deşi îşi ocupă timpul cu asasinate la operă şi dezamorsare de rebeliuni pe vase îndreptate înspre noul continent, este deosebit de articulat şi bine intenţionat. După un twist surprinzător şi răcoritor, suntem aruncaţi în memoriile fiului lui Haytham cu o femeie Mohawk, căruia din comoditate noi (cât şi majoritatea personajelor din joc) îi vom spune Connor. Hărţile sunt multietajate şi în general au câteva rute de navigare care duc inevitabil în intersecţii în care au loc adesea măceluri. Fie că alegi să o iei pe acoperişuri, să te amesteci în mulţime sau să îţi alergi ţinta prin pieţe aglomerate, va trebui să fii atent şi la şoaptele care te anunţă că omul care te vânează este aproape şi poate ar fi mai înţelept să nu te desconspiri. Pentru fiecare kill sau stun avem bonusuri pentru abordare, incognito (să nu fii detectat) şi focus (să aştepţi o scurtă perioadă după ce eşti în rază înainte să-ţi omori victima). Controlul e uşor diferit faţă de single-player, dar destul de bine optimizat pentru multiplayer şi, dacă vă bucuraţi de o conexiune decentă, timpii de răspuns sunt excelenţi. Lobby-urile sunt şi ele destul de pline, iar meniurile destul de intuitive şi autoexplicative. Resursa cu care vă cumpăraţi recompense poate fi sistemul de credite obţinute prin joc, sau cele Erudito, obţinute prin microtranzacţie. Cu toate astea, AC III nu e pay-to-win, fiindcă nu există „bombe ascunse” printre reward-uri şi, cel mai adesea, scorul cel mai mare îl are cel mai ager jucător, nu cel mai frumos îmbrăcat. Plusuri -Bătăliile navale -Ciclul vară/iarnă și detaliile grafice care susțin atmosfera -Diversificarea mediului prin porţiunile extinse extraurbane -Multiplayer-ul -O lume vastă, ticsită cu activităţi opţionale Minusuri -Connor e mai „din topor” decât Ezio sau Altair -Cutscene-uri prea multe şi dese -Secvenţele cu Desmond sunt neinteresante -Sistemul de luptă este învechit în privința conceptelor Cerinte de sistem minime: Assassin’s Creed 3 (PC) -OS: Windows Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8 -Procesor: 2.66 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo E8200 sau 2.66 GHz AMD Athlon™ II X4 620 -Placa video: 512 MB – DirectX® 10 cu Shader Model 4.0 sau mai bun -Placa video AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 series -Placa video NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 series -Spatiu pe disc: 17 GB -Memorie (RAM): 2 GB -Multiplayer: DA, conexiune minima 256 kbps Cerinte de sistem recomandate: Assassin’s Creed 3 (PC) -OS: Windows Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8 -Procesor: 2.6 GHz Intel® Core™2 Quad Q9400 sau 3.0 GHz AMD Phenom™ II X4 940 -Placa video: 1024 MB DirectX® 10 compliant with Shader Model 5.0 sau mai bun -Placa video AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 series -Placa video NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 series -Spatiu pe disc: 17 GB -Memorie (RAM): 4 GB -Multiplayer: DA, conexiune minima 256 kbps1 point
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