I dont understand why this cerere is been rejected
Hes last cerere post was http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/42576-respinscerere-avatar/
Because he didnt have 100 post , Now he have 102 post and is rejected
Rules eng :
¤ Each user will make a request every 3 weeks whether the signature / avatar / logo / banner.
Rules Ro :
¤ Fiecare User va face o cerere odata la 2 saptamani fie ea semnatura/avatar/logo/banner.
Maybe , respins because last cerere he posted was 4jun , But Rules need to be updated
respect to staff designer
done am dat add
Revan aceasta este doar o versiune adica prima mea tema de genul voi veni si cu alte teme in functie de cum am timp si acum lucru la o tema pentru mess si skype
Ar fi mai frumos daca culoarea ar fi cea de la Logo-ul CsBlackDevil, si na, daca ai facut-o tu, e logic sa paara pe acolo un Anime, orcum, bravo, asta inseamna multa munca, iti sunt recunoscator, o sa il incerc si eu.