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De ceva timp atat eu cat si un prieten am tot cautat o comanda ce ne poate permite schimbarea statusului la yahoo messenger si iata ca astazi am hotarat chiar sa fac o lista cu cele mai uzuale link-uri si comenzi ce pot fi folosite atat pentru protocolul ymsgr cat si pentru clientul de messenger.

Lista de comenzi pentru Yahoo Messenger:

/help calls up the help file
/cls clears the screen
/save saves the current chat session transcript
/leave exits current room
/join roomname joinsroomname
/goto username joins the chat room that usernameis currently in
/follow username user will follows usernamewhenever the user changes rooms
/think text posts text in this format “oO(text)”
/tell username text — allows you to send a text to username with opening a window
/invite username invites username to the current room
/webcam starts your webcam
/version displays the program version
/version username sends the program version to username
/time shows the time
/roll number rolls the number of dice
/logoff closes the client
/ignore add username will add username to your ignore list
/ignore remove username will remove username from your ignore list
:Text formats the text as an emotion
Comenzi de Yahoo Messenger & Ymsgr – Link-uri HTML

ymsgr:-kill -> Inchide clientul de messenger.
ymsgr:addfriend?tutorialepc -> Adaugi ID la lista ta.
ymsgr:SendIM?tutorialepc -> Trimiti un mesaj catre ID.
ymsgr:sendfile?tutorialepc -> Trimiti un fisier catre respcetivul ID.
ymsgr:call?tutorialepc -> Apelezi ID-ul.
ymsgr:call?numar_telefon-> Apelezi numarul_de_telefon.
ymsgr:im?tutorialepc -> Deschide automat “Send an Instant Message”.
ymsgr:getimv?fishtank -> Iti seteaza IMVIrommentul Fishtank.
ymsgr:chat -> Deschide chat room.
ymsgr:SendIM?tutorialepc&m= -> Trimiti un mesaj catre respectivul ID “


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