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- Step 1 - The firs step is that the server has "Realtime" priority. Start the server, press CTRl + Alt + Del, click Processes, find hlds.exe in the list, and right click on it, Set Priority - Realtime. - Step 2 - The second step is: - Go o the hlds.exe folder (from where you have opened the server), make a shortcut to the hlds.exe, then you will find in the same folder another file "Shortcut to hlds". Right click on this one, press Proprieties, and in the first raw you have Target, and there yo have something like HDD:locationhlds.exe .

Now add -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map de_nuke. -

Step 3 - the third step is to install HL Booster -

- Step 4 is for more quick change of the map: - Enter the cstrike folder, where you have the installed the server , find the custom.hpk file and

remove it for good. - Step 5 - Can be used as a script for rates: Code:

alias "dslow" "sv_minrate 2500;sv_maxrate 2500;sv_minupdaterate 5;sv_maxupdaterate 5;echo dead slow"

alias "vslow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 3500;sv_minupdaterate 13;sv_maxupdaterate 13;echo very slow"

alias "slow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 5000;sv_minupdaterate 14;sv_maxupdaterate 14;echo slow"

alias "norm" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 7500;sv_minupdaterate 15;sv_maxupdaterate 15;echo normal"

alias "fast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 9999;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 20;echo fast"

alias "vfast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 20000;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 60;echo LAN fast"

alias "rates" "sv_minrate;sv_maxrate;sv_ minupdaterate;sv_maxupdaterate" Add the file server.cfg to the script, in the cstrike folder where you have installed the server.

Usage: After you have started the server, write in the console what setting you want, considering the type of internet connexion you have, and also considering the type of computer that you keep the server on. For exemple, if you have a server on lan, write in the console vfast, or if you have a server where you have players in the same network you can use fast or norm. You can acces this script by "rcon" considering the variation of the lag on the server. you should not have any setting about the rate in server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, game.cfg, settings.cfg, amx.cfg etc. -

Step 6 - It refers to some setings that you

should add on the server. - You have the following settings:


log off

sv_logbans 0

sv_logecho 0

sv_logfile 0 sv_log_onefile 0

mp_logmessages 0

mp_logdetail 0

sv_unlag 1

sv_maxunlag .1

fps_max 600 You shoul add these settings in server.cfg . -

Step 7 - It refers to some settings that you

should use considering the type of internet

connexion you have. Code:

// Modem 56k //

rate 5000

sv_rate 5500

sv_cmdrate 40

sv_cmdbackup 2 sv_updaterate 45

mp_resend 2

sv_dlmax 40

mp_decals 50 Code:

// 128k //

rate 10000

sv_rate 10000

sv_cmdrate 60

sv_cmdbackup 3 mp_updaterate 60

sv_resend 2

sv_dlmax 100

mp_decals 100 Code:

// 256k //

rate 12000

sv_rate 12000

sv_cmdrate 101

sv_cmdbackup 4 sv_updaterate 101

sv_resend 3

mp_dlmax 256

mp_decals 100 Code:

// 512k //

rate 15000

sv_rate 15000

sv_cmdrate 80

sv_cmdbackup 4 mp_updaterate 45

sv_resend 3

mp_dlmax 400

mp_decals 100 Code:

// 1024k //

rate 20000

sv_rate 20000

sv_cmdrate 80

sv_cmdbackup 6 mp_updaterate 80

sv_resend 6

mp_dlmax 800

mp_decals 300 Code:

// 2048K //

rate 25000

sv_rate 25000

sv_cmdrate 101

sv_cmdbackup 6 sv_updaterate 101

sv_resend 6 Code:

// DSL High //

rate "12001.000521"

sv_rate "9999"

sv_latency "-21.000521"

sv_updaterate "160" sv_cmdrate "40"

mp_resend "2"

mp_cmdbackup "2"

sv_dlmax "768"

ex_interp "0.01"

ex_extrapmax "10" Code:

// DSL Low //

rate "9001.000521"

sv_rate "9999"

mp_latency "-51.000521"

mp_updaterate "67" sv_cmdrate "40"

sv_resend "2.5"

mp_cmdbackup "51"

mp_dlmax "512"

ex_interp "0.05"

ex_extrapmax "4" cl_dlmax 800

mp_decals 300 Code:

// qDSL //

rate "15001.000521"

cl_rate "9999"

cl_latency "-16.000521"

cl_updaterate "101" cl_cmdrate "400"

cl_resend "1.5"

cl_cmdbackup "2"

cl_dlmax "1024"

ex_interp "0.01"

ex_extrapmax "10"

You should add these settings in server.cfg, but

not all of them. Add only the ones you think

you need!!!

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