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Descriere:Tine evidenta online a redirectelor

Descarcare: Pachet Complet : http://www.girlshare.ro/1053664.7

#include < amxmodx > 
#include < amxmisc >
#include < sockets >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define LOG_NUMEFISIER "NovuslinkRedirect.log"
#define CFG_NUMEFISIER "NovuslinkRedirect.cfg"

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.0.1"

#define SERVER_IP_LCENTA "" // aici e ipul serverului tau! daca ipul din cfg nu e egal cu asta shutdown!
#define SERVER_SECUNDE_OPRIRE 31 // in cate secunde se va opri serverul daca nu are licenta valida
#define UPDATE_TIME 15

#define TAG_PLUGIN "[Novuslink Redirect STATS]"

new gCvarRedirectIp;
new gCvarRedirectPort;
new gCvarRedirectPassword;
new gCvarRedirectHost;
new gCvarRedirectPath;
new gCvarRedirectUsername;

new gRedirectHost[ 50 ];
new gRedirectName[ 32 ];
new gRedirectPath[ 21 ];

new gError;

public plugin_init()
register_plugin( "Redirect STATS", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Novuslink" );

gCvarRedirectIp = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_server", "" );
gCvarRedirectPort = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_serverport", "00000" );
gCvarRedirectPassword = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_serverpw", "" );

gCvarRedirectHost = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_host", "www.novuslink.ro" );
gCvarRedirectPath = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_path", "/webscript" );
gCvarRedirectUsername = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_username", "Novuslink Default Username" );

set_task( float( UPDATE_TIME ), "RedirectServer", _, _, _, "b" );

new szServerIp[ 40 ];
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectIp, szServerIp, charsmax( szServerIp ) );

if( !equal( szServerIp, SERVER_IP_LCENTA ) )
server_print( "%s Nu detii o licenta valabila! Serverul se va opri in %d secunde!", TAG_PLUGIN, SERVER_SECUNDE_OPRIRE );
server_print( "%s Pentru mai multe detalii acceseaza [url="http://www.novuslink.ro/"]http://www.novuslink.ro[/url]", TAG_PLUGIN );

set_task( float( SERVER_SECUNDE_OPRIRE ), "ServerShutDown" );

server_print( "%s Felicitari! Detii o licenta valida, iar pluginul functioneaza perfect!", TAG_PLUGIN );
server_print( "%s Pentru mai multe detalii acceseaza [url="http://www.novuslink.ro/"]http://www.novuslink.ro[/url]", TAG_PLUGIN );

log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Felicitari! Detii o licenta valida, iar pluginul functioneaza perfect!", TAG_PLUGIN );
log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Pentru mai multe detalii acceseaza [url="http://www.novuslink.ro/"]http://www.novuslink.ro[/url]", TAG_PLUGIN );

public plugin_cfg()
new szConfigsDir[ 32 ];
new szFile[ 192 ];

get_configsdir( szConfigsDir, charsmax( szConfigsDir ) );
formatex( szFile, charsmax( szFile ), "%s/%s", szConfigsDir, CFG_NUMEFISIER );

if( file_exists( szFile ) )
server_cmd( "exec %s", szFile );

server_print( "%s Fisierul ^"%s^" a fost incarcat cu succes!", TAG_PLUGIN, szFile );
log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Fisierul <%s> a fost incarcat cu succes!", TAG_PLUGIN, szFile );

server_print( "%s Eroare! Fisierul ^"%s^" nu a fost gasit!", TAG_PLUGIN, szFile );
log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Eroare! Fisierul ^"%s^" nu a fost gasit!", TAG_PLUGIN, szFile );

public RedirectServer()
new RedirectPort[ 10 ];
get_cvar_string( "port", RedirectPort, charsmax( RedirectPort ) );

get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectHost, gRedirectHost, charsmax( gRedirectHost ) );
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectPath, gRedirectPath, charsmax( gRedirectPath ) );
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectUsername, gRedirectName, charsmax( gRedirectName ) );

new RedirectSocket = socket_open( gRedirectHost, 80, SOCKET_TCP, gError);

new szData[ 512 ];
formatex( szData, charsmax( szData ), "GET %s/alive.php¿p=%s&f=%s HTTP/1.1^r^nHost:%s^r^nConnection: close^r^n^r^n", gRedirectPath, RedirectPort, gRedirectName, gRedirectHost );

socket_send( RedirectSocket, szData, charsmax( szData ) );

public ServerPlayers()
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectHost, gRedirectHost, charsmax( gRedirectHost ) );
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectPath, gRedirectPath, charsmax( gRedirectPath ) );
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectUsername, gRedirectName, charsmax( gRedirectName ) );

new PlayerSocket = socket_open( gRedirectHost, 80, SOCKET_TCP, gError);

new PlayerCount[ 512 ];
formatex( PlayerCount, charsmax( PlayerCount ), "GET %s/new.php¿f=%s HTTP/1.1^r^nHost:%s^r^nConnection: close^r^n^r^n", gRedirectPath, gRedirectName, gRedirectHost );

socket_send( PlayerSocket, PlayerCount, charsmax( PlayerCount ) );

public ServerShutDown()
server_cmd( "exit" );

log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Nu detii o licenta valabila! Serverul a fost oprit!", TAG_PLUGIN );
log_to_file( LOG_NUMEFISIER, "%s Pentru mai multe detalii acceseaza [url="http://www.novuslink.ro/"]http://www.novuslink.ro[/url]", TAG_PLUGIN );

public client_connect( id )
new szServerPassword[ 30 ];
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectPassword, szServerPassword, charsmax( szServerPassword ) );

new szServerIp[ 32 ];
get_pcvar_string( gCvarRedirectIp, szServerIp, charsmax( szServerIp ) );

if( is_user_connecting( id ) )
if( !is_user_bot( id ) )

if( get_playersnum() >= 0 )
if( !equal( szServerPassword, "" ) )
client_cmd( id, "password %s", szServerPassword );

client_cmd( id, "Connect %s:%d", szServerIp, get_pcvar_num( gCvarRedirectPort ) );

Creati un fiser NovuslinkRedirect.sma ,copiati codul in el ,introduceti datele dumneavoastra in el :

gCvarRedirectHost = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_host", "www.dns.ro" ); 
gCvarRedirectPath = register_cvar( "novuslink_redirect_path", "/redirect" );
new LicenseSocket = socket_open( "www.dns.ro/redirect", 80, SOCKET_TCP, gError );

// --| IP-ul serverului unde vor fi redirectati jucatorii

novuslink_redirect_server ""

// --| PORT-ul serverului. Trebuie pus altfel nu va functiona 100%

novuslink_redirect_serverport "27015"

// --| Parola serverului in caz ca are. Daca nu are lasati ""

novuslink_redirect_serverpw ""

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