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[ CSGO ] - Model Cerere Unban / Request Unban


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Model [RO]:
Titlu topic: [ CSGO ] - Cerere Unban "Nume"
Motivul pentru care aţi primit ban:
Adminul care te-a banat:
Data și ora:
Dovezile tale(Poză la consolă):
Alte precizări?:

Dovada este obligatorie, altfel cererea va fi respinsă. Nu se acceptă copy-paste din consolă.
Necompletarea cererii in totalitate, poate ingreuna analizarea cererii si prin urmare poate duce la respingerea ei

Model [EN]:
Topic title: [ CSGO ] - Unban request "Name"
The reason you've been banned for:
The admin who banned you:
Date and time:
Your evidence (Console screenshot):
Any additional details?:

The evidence is mandatory, otherwise your request will be rejected. Copy-paste from console is not accepted.
Failure to complete the application in its entirety can make it difficult to analyze the application and therefore lead to its rejection

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