FearLess. Posted November 27, 2024 Posted November 27, 2024 [RO]: Cand un player face reclama intentionat pe server, eventual isi schimba IP/STEAM_ID si nu ia ban/gag veti proceda in felul urmator: 1. Scriem comanda vote in consola 2. Luam id-ul playerului care dorim sa ii dam gag, de exemplu consideram ca a intrat pe numele "KiNG.", deci id-ul este #1169. 3. Executam comanda de gag pe o perioada de 15 minute (amx_gag #1169 15 reclama). 4. Se poate executa si comanda amx_banip #1169 0 reclama. Prima data recomand folosirea gag-ului si daca reuseste sa faca din nou reclama folositi amx_banip, NU amx_ban deoarece nu va functiona. Executarea oricaror comenzi descrise mai sus sunt temporare, jucatorul nu va lua ban oricum si va putea sa isi schimbe ip-ul/steam_id-ul. Scopul este sa scapam de el in acel moment. [EN]: When a player intentionally makes advertising on the server, possibly changes their IP/STEAM_ID, and doesn't receive a ban/gag, you will proceed as follows: 1. Type the command "vote" in the console 2. We take the player's ID whom you want to gag, for example, let's assume they joined with the name "KiNG." So, their ID is #1169. 3. Issue the gag command for a 15-minute duration (amx_gag #1169 15 reclama). 4. The command amx_banip #1169 reclama can also be used. First, I recommend using the gag command, and if the player advertises again, use amx_banip, NOT amx_ban, as it will not work. The execution of any commands described above is temporary, the player will not receive a ban anyways and will be able to change their IP/Steam_ID. The goal is to remove them from the server at that moment. Edited March 21 by puneilapamant
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