FearLess. Posted November 27, 2024 Posted November 27, 2024 [RO]: 1. Folosim combinatia de taste SHIFT + ALT + S. 2. Facem un chenar in jurul imaginii/textului caruia dorim sa ii facem screenshot. 3. Intram pe https://imgur.com/ si apasam combinatia de taste CTRL + V. 4. Imaginea o sa se uploadeze si vom avea un link catre imagine pe care il putem posta oriunde. [EN]: 1. We use the key combination SHIFT + ALT + S. 2. We create a border around the image/text we want to capture by taking a screenshot. 3. We go to https://imgur.com/ and press the key combination CTRL + V. 4. The photo will upload and we will have a link to the image that we can paste wherever. Edited March 21 by puneilapamant
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