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[Mobile Games] Plants vs. Zombies 3 Review: A fandom losing morale

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Now that a new beta has been released, I thought I'd provide my two cents on how I think this game is coming along.

Hand holding tutorials


Currently I believe that the only positive change between this new version and the alpha tests pre-2020 is the art style, removal of levelling and changing to landscape. Starting over and changing how the game would fundamentally play was completely unnecessary as the pre-2020 version was still underwhelming, but could easily have been re-tooled into a pretty good game. Currently my gripes with the modern pvz3 is that currently all the strategy and brain work into beating a level has been completely removed. The game holds your hand ridiculously tight for pretty much the whole beta, explaining things that player's could find out easily by themselves. The worst example of this is an entire level completely dedicated to telling you that "more sunflowers = more sun". New plants were also introduced  through these tutorials, instead of giving the player the option to read up on the plants through the almanac. It is unnecessary to explain what a plant does through a level tutorial when on the menu before you play a level, tapping a seed packet will give you the exact same information as 2-3 "tutorial" levels. More is told than there is shown, which removes the sandbox-like feeling the original game has where you essentially discover the plant's strengths and weaknesses through gameplay and the almanac. These tutorial levels are also very very short, with some having less than 10 zombies, which baffles me even further as to why these levels would exist in the first place. Levels are also generally too short, with a "plant now think later" sort of mentality.




Pvz 3 review: A fandom losing morale. - Answer HQ

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