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Coala - mamífero marsupial - características, fotos ...

The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) from Greek: phaskolos, bag + arktos, bear and from Latin: cinereus, grayish) is a marsupial mammal of the Phascolarctidae family endemic to Australia. It was originally found from northern Queensland to the extreme south-east of South Australia. Koalas live on average 14 years.They have a large head, a short muzzle, a flat and V-shaped nose, and their coat is smooth and silky. Its marsupial pouch lies on its belly. The cub stays there until it grows up, and then clings to the mother's back until it becomes an adult. These marsupials have been on the verge of extinction since the beginning of the English colonization of Australia, when the habit of killing them to use their skin emerged. Today, hunting is not the biggest risk but forest fires, which kill many animals, and the elimination of trees where they live, both by burning and by lumberjacks.


They live on top of eucalyptus trees where they can feed profusely.There are hundreds of species of eucalyptus, but the koala feeds on only 20 of these species.

Koala 10
A koala eats half a kilogram of eucalyptus leaves a day, which is a lot for such a small animal and which rests 14 hours a day. Eucalyptus leaves are essential in the koala's diet, and their lack leads to their death. They spend an average of 14 hours a day sleeping and resting, and the rest in search of food.


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