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¤ Numele dvs:/MODメ.jET; #

¤ Administrator acuzat: SpRiNg

¤ Ora și data:05:47

¤ Motivul raportului:Slay, pe baza motivului ca ma blocat un player cu lm si era mod, si ii l-am distrus. 

¤ Dovada:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199677772492/screenshot/2450600311755989470/   



C:\Users\T0Ny\Desktop\447499260_2489146541270366_730593516775401231_n.jpg !!!!



I was blocked by the lm of the player and it didn't want to take it down, I was in the middle of the mode!

Posted (edited)


Edited by SpRiNg
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Nu e obligat nimeni sa te lase înăuntru, dacă el e deja acolo, mai ales că era și mod, și nu ai voie să distrugi lm, deci primești slay automat, simplu 

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  • Brainy 1
Posted (edited)

ENG**    I understood what you said there, mod, but you are not allowed to destroy the lm of your colleagues, only if you are a zm, then you are allowed, etc.. it is also written in the rules and you could not tell him to remove it quickly, but the phase is that no you can enter there both of you, but only one, because it is not a big hole for 2-3 people


**ROMAN  eu am inteles ce ai zis acolo mod dar nu ai voie sa distrugi lm la colegi tau doar daca esti zm atunci ai voie etc.. scrie si in regulament si nu ai putut sa-i zici sa-l scoata repede dar faza este ca nu puteti intra acolo amndoi decat unu singur ca nu e gaura mare de 2-3 persone , DACA AVEAI BANNED MAI ZICEAM ASA NU AI BAN SAU SA TE INJURE





Edited by Gabi CSDM
  • Brainy 1


Spring was doing his job as a admin.

Read the rules please: Player Rules.


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