Noticias ALEJANDRO Posted May 15, 2024 Posted May 15, 2024 Perhaps the Caribbean and Latin America did not realize it, leaving the May Cross festivities as they were and observing some conflicts that seemed designed to divert us from the main path. From Cuba, and specifically from Santiago de Cuba through the troubadour and producer Gabriel Soler, the news came: Not only a musical reference of authentic Cubanness left that Saturday, May 4, in the morning. Another encyclopedia was being lost, one of those that are in the territories, almost anonymous except for those who bustle with them and drink from their pages, in the town, and with him. And Cuba knows a lot about that. Gabino Jardines Cisneros was and will be an extremely valuable open book wherever you look at him, and since he never denied anything to anyone, but on the contrary, he stands tall as a Griot of Santiago de Cuba for the world, because Africa counts in this story of knowledge and harmonies. We had the immense honor of meeting him, of talking with him and of corroborating what his countrymen said (and say much more now) about this man from Santiago who was born and left his hometown at 76 years of age. “Gabino Jardines was a dear person, one of those who gives the impression that you have known your entire life. He knew how to embroider a theme, how to underline a text, how to calibrate a voice; but he did not boast about it. He was a discreet gentleman, with Creole elegance, without embarrassment. Everyone was fighting for it, because being an accompanying guitarist is a whole specialty, it's a whole story. Accompanist does not mean secondary, on the contrary, he is the perfect support for the singer, and he is the support, who without claiming too much prominence, is there, just like that, with his own brilliance. He accompanied myths, greats, and was never reluctant to put his strings next to young talents. He will be monumentally missed.” (Reinaldo Cedeño Pineda, Cuban journalist and poet. National Prize for Cultural Journalism). Click
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