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Guillemots sitting on a cliff ledge in Skomer


Tim Birkhead’s life’s work reveals the unexpectedly colourful lives of gregarious guillemots on the Welsh island of Skomer

We’re committed to keeping our quality reporting open. By registering and providing us with insight into your preferences, you’re helping us to engage with you more deeply, and that allows us to keep our journalism free for all. You’ll always be able to control your own .For the past 52 summers, Tim Birkhead has inched along the vertiginous cliffs to count, ring and observe the guillemots that nest in their thousands on the Welsh island of Skomer. His life’s work offers unrivalled insight into seabirds in an era of climate breakdown and also reveals the unexpectedly colourful lifestyles of these gregarious birds.

Having crowdfunded his research for the past decade, the emeritus professor is now seeking to raise £125,000 to support his guillemot study in perpetuity.


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