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[News] Soto Rojas affirms that the US has failed in its attempts to destabilize Venezuela

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Ensures that the opposition has lost political capital and has no strategic and alternative projects


ÚN.- The constituent Fernando Soto Rojas, assured this Sunday, during an interview with José Vicente Rangel on Televen, that the US empire has failed in its strategies to destabilize Venezuela.

Soto Rojas pointed out that although the country's political situation remains complex, difficult and demanding, progress has been made as never before regarding politicization, thanks to President Nicolás Maduro's understanding of the essential elements of this national and international conjuncture. , reported AVN.

In this sense, the leader indicated that President Nicolás Maduro has taken measures on a global, strategic and tactical scale, which through the last nine orientations related to Petro and the anchoring of the bolívar to oil directly attack the Colombian mafias.

Likewise, he affirmed that one of the most outstanding characteristics of the national news is the lack of strategic and alternative projects by the Venezuelan opposition that, in his opinion, has lost political capital progressively in an anarchy that arises from having mortgaged its destiny before the North American policy and that has originated a direct confrontation of the North American imperialism towards Venezuela and the president Nicolás Maduro.

"The contradictions in Venezuelan society have become more acute. The famous empire-nation contradiction has become more acute than ever and has reached a turning point and they have a very clear and defined strategy: to destabilize the country and to chaotise Venezuela and that has failed because until now the Bolivarian Revolution has been maintained and we are in much better conditions than in the past, "he added.

The social leader said that in his opinion the measures taken are still not enough, because he considers that the existing problems are the result of a conflict that despite depriving the economy is essentially political.

"We have to permanently design a global policy, as President Maduro has been defining it, that will revolutionize thought and the productive and rentier system."

For that reason he exhorted the militancy to delve into the theoretical battle in the congresses to which the people have been called to participate. "Now the initiative is the people. The structure of the prices must be controlled massively and I think we are going to give a somersault to this whole thing. "

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