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Help Needed - Character Straight Running Issue


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Hello Counter-Strike 1.6 Community,



I hope you're all doing well. I'm encountering an issue in-game where my character is automatically straight running, and I suspect it might be due to a bind or configuration problem. I've tried a few troubleshooting steps, but the issue persists.



Problem Description:

  • When I join a server, my character automatically straight runs without any input.
  • I've checked my binds and config files but couldn't identify the cause.


Steps Taken:

  1. Checked in-game binds using the `bind` command.
  2. Unbound movement keys (W, A, S, D) using the `unbind` command.
  3. Checked config files (config.cfg, autoexec.cfg) for any relevant binds.
  4. Restarted the game after making changes.


Additional Information:

  • The issue started recently, and I haven't installed any new scripts or mods.
  • I'm using the Steam version of Counter-Strike 1.6.


If anyone has experienced a similar problem or has suggestions on how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Please let me know if you need more information or if there's anything specific I should check.

Thank you in advance for your help!


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Heartfelt Thanks to @Amaterasu イタチ for Resolving My Issue!


Hello @Amaterasu イタチ,


I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to Amaterasu イタチ for their invaluable assistance in helping me resolve a recent issue. Their suggestion to delete the config file and, if necessary, reinstall the game proved to be the perfect solution.


**Amaterasu イタチ,** I truly appreciate your time and effort in providing assistance. Your expertise and quick response have made a significant difference, and I'm now able to enjoy the game without the straight running issue. 


To everyone in this amazing community, thank you for fostering an environment where players can come together to share knowledge and support each other.


If anyone else is facing similar issues, I highly recommend reaching out to the community for help. Together, we make this gaming experience even better!


Thank you once again, Amaterasu イタチ.


Best regards,


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