FNX Magokiler Posted January 9, 2024 Posted January 9, 2024 On January 12, the ministers of the Constitutional Court (TC) Cristián Letelier Aguilar and Nelson Pozo Silva end their terms, therefore, one month in advance – on December 12 – the president of the jurisdictional body, Nancy Yáñez, sent a letter to the Senate communicating the situation. If the new ministers are not elected, the court would be left with four members who, even adding the substitutes, would not reach a quorum (8 ministers) to meet. For this reason, this Monday the Constitution, Legislation, Justice and Regulations commissions of both Chambers set the goal of determining the candidates for the available seats. In the case of the Senate, the commission made up of Luciano Cruz-Coke, Alfonso de Urresti, Luz Eliana Ebensperger, Rodrigo Galilea and Francisco Huenchumilla unanimously approved the lawyers Catalina Lagos and Héctor Mery. The minutes state: “It was unanimously agreed that the applicants comply with the requirements and formalities provided for by the legal system. Go to the Living Room.” Those in charge of the selection process and agreements were the head of the PS bench, Alfonso de Urresti, and Senator Luz Ebensperger for the UDI. This is because the “quotas” correspond to the PS and the UDI. Parliamentary sources indicate that the path of ratification by 2/3 of the Senate is paved and that in the coming days the new ministers will be confirmed. Who would begin a nine-year period. In addition to the applicants and senators, the following were present: for the Ministry of Justice, advisor Rafael Ferrada; Senator Ebensperger's parliamentary advisors, Daniela Farías and Felipe Hübner; from Senator De Urresti, Fernanda Valencia; Senator Galilea, Benjamín Sáenz; from Senator Cruz-Coke, Jorge Hagedorn and Carlos Lobos; from the RN committee, advisors Eduardo Méndez and Patricio Andrade; the advisor of the Jaime Guzmán Foundation, Arturo Hasbún; Radio Bío-Bío journalist Gabriela Ortega; and accompanying Catalina Lagos, Gaspar Jenkins. The political quotas Catalina Lagos Tschorne (41), lawyer from the Diego Portales University, master in Public Law, is a professor of Constitutional Law at the UDP and of Public Law at the Alberto Hurtado University. In the 2023 Constitutional Process, she was a member of the Expert Commission. She has been a lawyer in the Legal Area of the Human Rights Program of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, also of the NGO Corporación Humanas, and served as a researcher and teacher at the Human Rights Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile between 2013 and 2014, as Coordinator of the Women and Gender Program, among other positions. https://www.elmostrador.cl/noticias/pais/2024/01/09/congreso-apura-el-paso-catalina-lagos-y-hector-mery-con-un-pie-en-el-tc/
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