FNX Magokiler Posted December 2, 2023 Posted December 2, 2023 Since the world of consoles has existed, hardware manufacturing companies have been very careful to create an ecosystem of exclusive games that the competition could not have. It happened in the early years with Atari versus Coleco, later between Nintendo and SEGA and currently with Sony and Microsoft. So the latest rumor that has emerged around Xbox does not seem like it will ever come to fruition. Phil Spencer, the visible head of the Xbox area within Microsoft, has always made conciliatory statements, highlighting the things that Sony or Nintendo do and giving the impression that North Americans would not care if exclusive games on one side and another will end up appearing in their competition. But unfortunately for those in Redmond, that will never happen. Back with Game Pass Thus, the latest attempt by Microsoft to want to make the market practically one, with machines in which all the games appear without any limitations, has been carried out by Tim Stuart, CFO within Xbox and who has advanced that his company's plans involve bringing its famous Game Pass to "any screen." That phrase, applied to the current panorama in which Game Pass is already present on Xbox consoles, PC, mobile phones, tablets, Mac and even Smart TV, only leaves out a couple that are what you are all imagining: Nintendo – and the machine that is current at that time – and Sony with any of its present or future PlayStations. Do you think that could really happen? Here we enter the realm of pure speculation, but it is evident that although Microsoft wants to take its subscription to every corner imaginable, Sony and Nintendo are there to remind Americans that things don't work that way. That there are very high walls built for years. Is Game Pass possible on PS5? Knowing how we know Sony or Nintendo, it seems practically impossible for something like this to happen. It is true that many things can happen in the future, such as Microsoft deciding that the Xbox Series So then, maybe the two Japanese companies will think about it and give in. But right now, thinking about an Xbox Game Pass within PS5 is like expecting to see cows and donkeys flying when we go outside. Especially if we take into account the trial to death that both Sony and Microsoft have experienced in recent times due to the purchase of Activision-Blizzard by the Americans. So things are very, very complicated. Now, do you know what can happen? That there is no company that can resist changing its principles if the figure involved has many zeros. Then, all those reservations disappear and that day, exactly, we see cows and donkeys flying around us. No? https://hardzone.es/noticias/juegos/game-pass-ps5-planes-microsoft/
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