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[SELLING] EFFEX New Rank System

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- Plugin info

- This system was built months ago and is still under development. For now These are the servers that are using it.

The system is very unique in its own way. As any rank system has, there are XP that needs to be gained through kills, assists and also objectives throughout the gameplay. As soon as you grow in terms of XP, your Skill Level goes up. They are based on CSGO ranks:


Not only Wingman group of abilities from CSGO, you also have the same ranks as well, 40 in total:


- Plugin features

- As any rank system has, you get XP when you kill somebody. The value changes depending of the way you kill your enemy, such as:

. Kill somebody with headshot
. Kill somebody while blinded
. Kill somebody with headshot while blinded
. Kill somebody with knife
. Kill somebody with knife while blinded
. Kill somebody with knife, headshot and also blinded
. Kill somebody with HE grenade 

- You get XP when you assist in the death of any enemy. It also counts flash assist, so if you blind the enemy and your teammate kills him, you get the XP for assisting, since you helped killing the enemy with your flashbang.
- You get XP when you win the round.
- You get XP when you win the match/the map.
- You get XP when you plant/defuse/explode the c4.
- You get XP when you are the best player of the round.
- You get XP by being active every 10 minutes.
8Rco5mb.png k8QHxq9.png

- You can also get the player's Steam Profile link in case you are non steam user (check the 8th option).

- So far so good, but still I had to make it different than all of 1000 existing ranks systems. So I built some designs to make people stay playing and built their profile (The images are in brazilian which is my native language, but I also have english versions of this same design).

9aUTeSb.png BdHMTbe.png
qDVK2Vo.png s4r7MAs.png
VpEwCEH.png xGFVvAE.png
taTmIEk.png 0sFIEF8.png

To make these pictures more understandable. Here is the explanation of each one:

1. The first image is your profile. You have your steam avatar in case you are steam user, or the '?' picture as the second photo has otherwise, also your country, city and region. You have a LOT of statistics that you can check either yours, or using /stats <playername>, you can check other people's. The statistics goes from assists, kills, precision, shots, hits, time playing, total time played in the server, bombs defused, planted, etc...
2. The second image is the other player's statistics in the server. You can also see their native country plus the city and region.
3. The third image is the servers /top15. The size automatically calculates if the motd is too big, so the data isn't displayed wrongly.
4. The fourth image is the most active players in the server. Counting the first time they logged in, and the last time. Plus total time played.
5. The fifth image is the server's most headshots. Also the precision of each player.
6. The sixth image is the top knife kills of the server. Counting how many kills, deaths (by knife too), and K/D.
7. The seventh image is the server's most deaths. Counting probably the worst players in the server.
8. The last image is the end of the map's intermission before changing the map. Displaying the best players of the map and their steam profile and rank, plus some of the statistics of them and also your progress during the map.

Also, the system has support for web support in case you want to display your server's top15 in your forum or any site:

DrIixQr.png B3ARNsX.png

These are the country flags avaliable for the rank system when you type /me or /stats <playername>:

1. Brazil
2. Argentina
3. United States of America
4. Canada
5. Chile
6. Russia
7. Peru
8. Paraguay
9. Bulgaria
10. Venezuela
11. Egypt
12. Romania
13. Algeria
14. Iran
15. Ukraine
16. Pakistan
17. Switzerland
18. Germany
19. Portugal
20. Spain
21. United Kingdon
22. Turkey
23. United Arab Emirates
24. Saudi Arabia
25. France
26. Serbia
27. Albania
28. Croatia
29. Georgia
30. Hungary
31. Poland
32. Slovenia
33. Slovakia
34. Czechia
35. Austria
36. New Zealand
37. Australia
38. China
39. India
40. Sweden
41. Mongolia
42. Denmark
43. Finland
44. Belgium
45. Netherlands
46. Philippines
47. Lithuania
48. Guatemala
49. Indonesia
50. Malaysia
51. Thailand
52. Palestine
53. Panama
54. Jordan
55. Syria
56. Israel
57. Uzbekistan
58. Noth Macedonia
59. Armenia
60. Azerbaijan
61. Bosnia and Herzegovina
62. Kazakhstan
63. New Caledonia
64. Morocco
65. Republic of Maldova
66. Qatar
67. Montenegro
68. Vietnam
69. Greece
70. Iraq
71. Afghanistan
72. Tunisia
73. Nepal
74. Sri Lanka
75. Maldivas
76. Estonia
77. Ethiopia
78. Singapore
79. Ecuador
80. North Korea
81. South Korea
82. Japan
83. Lavtia
84. Norway
85. South Africa
86. Tajikistan
87. Italy
88. Ireland
89. Puerto Rico
90. Dominician Republic
91. Colombia 
92. Belarus
93. Urugay
94. Myanmar
95. Lebanon
96. Libia
97. Taiwan
98. Kenya
99. Hong Kong
100. Mexico
101. Cuba
102. Brunei
103. Cyprus
104. Malta
105. Bolivia


There are more details and features inside the plugin, people are addicted in their personal statistics.

Now that you guys know what it's potential is, lets talk business:
The system is private and all the servers you guys saw in the link above paid for it. The current price for the system is 35$ (USD or Euro)

I also offer FREE UPDATES as long as i'm improving the system. So you have only to pay ONCE to receive any update for free (in case I make them, if you want any private update, it will be charged).

So, in case you guys are interested, contact me via discord:EFFEXo#8850 or Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ruan_effex/
Cya  :oo

Also, before anyone asks, Tornado_SW and I had the same project idea, some of the design he uses was stolen, so thats why it is pretty similar.


Such as? I told you, all other ideas were already stolen from the original. I only took the borders and flags ideas from you, as I thought they would add up quite well for the overall MOTD.

Edited by EFFEX
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System Updated

Added more options inside the .ini file to edit the system's features. Main settings:

# SQL Connection settings
# Put here your SQL connection data for the rank system be able to
# save the data and load it everywhere.

SQL_USER =         root
SQL_PASS =         
SQL_DB_NAME =         ranksystem

[XP Settings]
# XP Settings
# Put here the ammount of XP of each event

DEFAULT_XP =         100
HEADSHOT_XP =         125
BOMB_PLANT_XP =     200
ROUND_WIN_XP =         150
ACTIVITY_XP =         100
ASSIST_XP =         50
KNIFE_KILL_XP =     85
BLIND_KILL_XP =     75
SUICIDE_XP =         50
MVP_XP =         400

# Misc settings for some events and bonus for players throughout the gameplay

# The main URL the system will load the files from
MAIN_URL =         

# The .php postfix in case you want to have different top15 data 
# without having to change the MAIN_URL
FILE_PREFIX =         

# Assist toggle (Use 1 to activate and 0 to turn off)

# Number of frags players will receive when assisting
ASSIST_FRAGS =         1

# Active bonus check delay in seconds (default 10 minutes)
ACTIVE_DELAY =         600

# Number of min players necessary for statistics save

# Assist min damage

# Spawn info hud toggle (Use 1 to activate and 0 to turn off)
SPAWN_HUD =         1

# Spawn Hud colors in RGB
SPAWN_HUD_COLOR =     200     80     30

# Spawn Hud position X and Y (horizontal and vertical)
SPAWN_HUD_POSITION =    0.02     0.15

# End of round MVP display toggle (Use 1 to activate and 0 to turn off).
MVP_HUD =         1

# End of round MVP display colors in RGB
MVP_HUD_COLOR =     random     random     random

# End of round MVP display position X and Y (horizontal and vertical)
MVP_HUD_POSITION =    -1.0     0.2

# XP bonus chat messages toggle (Use 1 to activate and 0 to turn off)

# Level up sound directory
LEVEL_UP_SOUND =     ranksystem/levelup.wav

# Level down sound directory
LEVEL_DOWN_SOUND =     ranksystem/leveldown.wav

# Required flag access to have an Admin Color on the top15

# Required flag access to have an VIP Color on the top15
PHP_VIP_FLAG =        t

# Required flag access to have an Owner Color on the top15

# Menu Prefix on all menus
MENUS_TITLE =         \rEFFEX Rank System\w

# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------- RANK AND LEVELS CONFIGURATIONS ----------
# ---------------------------------------------------

# Level List
# Manage here the name and the xp required for each level
# the last parameters CANNOT be changed.

"Newbie" "0" "za"
"Silver I" "5400" "zb"
"Silver II" "7200" "zc"
"Silver III" "8400" "zd"
"Silver IV" "12000" "ze"
"Silver V" "15600" "zf"
"Silver Elite" "19200" "zg"
"Gold Nova I" "30000" "zh"
"Gold Nova II" "48000" "zi"
"Gold Nova III" "84000" "zj"
"Gold Nova Master" "132000" "zk"
"Master Guardian I" "156000" "zl"
"Master Guardian II" "210000" "zm"
"Master Guardian Elite" "270000" "zn"
"DMG" "390000" "zo"
"Legendary Eagle" "510000" "zp"
"Legendary Eagle Master" "600000" "zq"
"Supreme" "2100000" "zr"
"The Global Elite" "3000000" "zs"

# Manage here the name and the xp required for each rank
# the last parameters CANNOT be changed.

"Recruit" "0" "xa"
"Soldier I" "2400" "xb"
"Soldier II" "4800" "xc"
"Soldier III" "10800" "xd"
"Cape I" "14400" "xe"
"Cape II" "18000" "xf"
"Cape III" "21000" "xg"
"IV Cable" "24000" "xh"
"3rd Sergeant I" "30000" "xi"
"3rd Sergeant II" "33000" "xj"
"3rd Sergeant III" "39000" "xk"
"3rd Sergeant IV" "48000" "xl"
"2nd Sergeant I" "57000" "xm"
"2nd Sergeant II" "72000" "xn"
"2nd Sergeant III" "96000" "xo"
"2nd Sergeant IV" "132000" "xp"
"1st Sergeant I" "192000" "xq"
"1st Sergeant II" "246000" "xr"
"1st Sergeant III" "330000" "xs"
"1st Sergeant IV" "450000" "xu"
"Warrant Officer" "570000" "xv"
"Aspiring Officer I" "630000" "xw"
"Aspiring Officer II" "840000" "xx"
"Aspiring Officer III" "960000" "xy"
"Captain I" "1080000" "xz"
"Captain II" "1200000" "ya"
"Captain III" "1320000" "yb"
"Captain IV" "1440000" "yc"
"Major I" "1500000" "yd"
"Major II" "1560000" "ye"
"Major III" "1680000" "yf"
"Major IV" "1740000" "yg"
"Colonel I" "1800000" "yh"
"Colonel II" "1920000" "yi"
"Colonel III" "2040000" "yj"
"Brigadier General" "2160000" "yk"
"General Major" "2280000" "yl"
"Division General" "2400000" "ym"
"General" "2520000" "yn"
"General Global" "3000000" "yo"

Chat settings:

# Configuration tips for Tag Formats:
# FLAG = tags by flag
# example: FLAG = "c" "[Admin]" = tags with c flag
# -

# STEAM = tags by steam
# example: STEAM = "STEAM_" "[Admin]" = tags for steam

# IP = tags by ip
# example: IP = "IP" "[Admin]" = tags for ip

# NAME = tags by name
# example: NAME = "Name" "[Admin]" = tags for name

# ---------------------------- Tag Formats ------------------------------

FLAG = "a" "{green}[Owner]"
FLAG = "c" "{green}[Admin]"
FLAG = "t" "{green}[VIP]"

# ---------------------------- Default Formats ---------------------------------
# Avaliable custom tags to display on the chat:
# {kills}, {kd}, {headshots}, {levelname}, {level}, {rank}, {rankname}
# also, you can use {customtag} key to display your own custom tag
# make sure you use erank_set_customtag() native
# with the custom tag you want to display on chat.


TERRORIST = "(Terrorists)"
COUNTER-TERRORIST = "(Counter-Terrorists)"

FORMAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER = "{tag} {green}[+{kills}] {team-color}{name}: {normal}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_DEAD = "{normal}*DEAD* {green}[+{kills}] {team-color}{name}: {normal}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_TEAM = "{normal}{team} {green}[+{kills}] {team-color}{name}: {normal}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_PLAYER_TEAM_DEAD = "{team} {normal}*DEAD* {tag} {green}[+{kills}] {team-color}{name}: {normal}{message}"

FORMAT_MESSAGE_ADMIN = "{tag} {green}[+{kills}] {team-color}{name}: {green}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_ADMIN_DEAD = "{normal}*DEAD* {green}[+{kills}] {tag} {team-color}{name}: {green}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_ADMIN_TEAM = "{normal}{team} {green}[+{kills}] {tag} {team-color}{name}: {green}{message}"
FORMAT_MESSAGE_ADMIN_TEAM_DEAD = "{normal}{team} {normal}*DEAD* {green}[+{kills}] {tag} {team-color}{name}: {green}{message}"

There are natives avaliable for users to communicate with the system as well:

/*     Gets the user's rank position
*    @id        the user's identification
native erank_get_position(id)

/*     Gets the user's level number
*    @id        the user's identification
native erank_get_level(id)

/*     Gets the user's rank number
*    @id        the user's identification
native erank_get_rank(id)

/*     Gets the user's XP ammount
*    @id        the user's identification
native erank_get_userxp(id)

/*     Completely reset user's data
*    @id        the user's identification
native erank_reset_user_data(id)

/*     Returns the user's current level name
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @szLevelName    the string that will be formated
*    @iLen        string's length
native erank_get_levelname(id, szLevelName[], iLen)

/*     Returns the user's current rank name
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @szRankName    the string that will be formated
*    @iLen        string's length
native erank_get_rankname(id, szRankName[], iLen)

/*     Get a specified user's data
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @iUserData    specified data to get info from
native erank_get_userdata(id, pPlayerData:iUserData)

/*     Set a specified user's data
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @iUserData    specified data to get info from
*    @iValue        value
native erank_set_userdata(id, pPlayerData:iUserData, iValue)

/*     Sets the user's XP ammount
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @iXpAmmount    ammount of XP
native erank_set_userxp(id, iXpAmmount)

/*     Sets a custom tag property for players
*    @id        the user's identification
*    @szCustomTag    custom tag string
native erank_set_customtag(id, szCustomTag[])

Avaliable commands to use on the system:

erank_alter_column = <column name> <condition> <value> - change column values
erank_delete_column = <column name> - delete a column
erank_create_column = <column name> <varchar or int> <num> - create a new column
erank_give_player_xp = <name> <XP ammount (use negative values to take from or 0 to reset)> <automatically calculates kills and deaths based on the XP added (1|0)>
erank_reset_prefixes = the name explain's itself.

Simple example on how to use the natives by giving a certain flag to users depending of their's rank position:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <effex_ranksystem>

#define PLUGIN "EFFEX Rank system: Flags"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "author"

enum arData

new Array:g_arIniFlags

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "playerSpawn", 1)
    g_arIniFlags = ArrayCreate(arData)

public playerSpawn(id)
    for(new i, arrayData[arData];i < ArraySize(g_arIniFlags);i++)
        ArrayGetArray(g_arIniFlags, i, arrayData)
        if(erank_get_level(id) >= str_to_num(arrayData[szRequiredLevel]))
            set_user_flags(id, read_flags(arrayData[szFlag]))
            remove_user_flags(id, read_flags("z"))

    new szConfigsName[256],szFilename[256];
    get_configsdir(szConfigsName, 255);
    formatex(szFilename, charsmax(szFilename), "%s/erank_flags.ini", szConfigsName);
    new iFile = fopen(szFilename, "r")
        new szFmt[100]
        formatex(szFmt, charsmax(szFmt), "Archive ^"%s^" does not exist!", szFilename)
    while (!feof(iFile))
        new szBuffer[512], szKey[5], szValue[32], arrayData[arData]

        fgets(iFile, szBuffer, charsmax(szBuffer))
        if(szBuffer[0] == EOS || szBuffer[0] == ';' || szBuffer[0] == '#' || (szBuffer[0] == '/' && szBuffer[1] == '/'))
        strtok(szBuffer, szKey, charsmax(szKey), szValue, charsmax(szValue), '=')

        copy(arrayData[szRequiredLevel], charsmax(arrayData[szRequiredLevel]), szKey)
        copy(arrayData[szFlag], charsmax(arrayData[szFlag]), szValue)

        ArrayPushArray(g_arIniFlags, arrayData)

Another example by giving T flag (normally used for VIPS) for top3 players:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <effex_ranksystem>

#define PLUGIN "EFFEX Rank system: Top3 VIP"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "author"


const MIN_POSITION = 3

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "playerSpawn", 1)

public playerSpawn(id)
    if((erank_get_position(id) >= MIN_POSITION) && !(get_user_flags(id) & REQUIRED_FLAG))
        set_user_flags(id, REQUIRED_FLAG)
        remove_user_flags(id, read_flags("z"))


Edited by Blackfire
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Also, before anyone asks, Tornado_SW and I had the same project idea, some of the design he uses was stolen, so thats why it is pretty similar.


Stop misinforming people. If anyone needs to say such thing, it would be me for you, as you stole my whole web page idea as well as a bunch of other features. I only "stole" from you the rank stats yellow borders and the "Statistics" icons idea, which is nothing compared to what you stole from me.

Edited by Tornado_SW
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You said on other forums people wouldn't ever found anything like what you have on your rank system, sadly by selling the source code, everybody now is reselling it among them by half of the value. But for me, your 'client' gave it for free.


Even ChatGPT can do this server connection thing, just ask it and it'll write for you in 10 seconds. You're not that special buddy, let's just go our own path and stop caring about what I do,  the same way you got my ideas, I got yours, so just do your own thing from now on, I have nothing against you, never had.


Do you really think I can't do a PHP by myself? Bad news for ya

EFFEX - Jogadores Banidos

Edited by EFFEX
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My only problem is that what you write at the end of each thread when selling your system (that I "stole" your ideas) is completely unnecessary and misinforming. Do I write such things in my selling threads about you when I have more reasons than you to do so?


And I'm not saying you don't have knowledge or can't write PHP. I'm saying that you should add new ideas that stand out on their own, not make some complete and obvious rip offs, especially when you have full access to all my files for free.

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Thats exactly what I did. The server connection code is from SourceQuery written by xPaw, not your lgsl method buddy. The only thing that is the same is the body, even though the styles are completely different anyway.  There is no reason to be fighting about it since its the same as you did by copying the ideas of my styles, did the same by taking yours... eye for an eye.

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