#Steeven.™ Posted June 4, 2023 Posted June 4, 2023 Agrocalidad recalls the necessary requirements for the import and export of dogs and cats Pets or companion animals: dogs and cats, are considered by many families as part of them, the last census included them and their expenses could also be considered for income tax deductions. This familiar treatment also entails in many cases traveling with pets. How can these types of pets enter or leave the country? The Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) published the requirements that are needed to be able to take them on a trip. Entry to Ecuador of companion animals: 1. The export animal health certificate for your dog or cat issued by the Official Veterinary Service of the country of origin in Spanish, detailing compliance with the sanitary requirements demanded by Ecuador. 2. When the animal arrives in the hold of the plane, there are two options for its entry into the country: If it is delivered together with your luggage in the international arrival area, it will only be nationalized by presenting the export animal health certificate issued by the Official Veterinary Service of the country of origin. If your pet is taken to cargo holds, the user must deliver to the Agrocalidad technician the animal health export certificate issued by the Official Veterinary Service of the country of origin and the deposit receipt for $27.71 for the inspection of each animal for the issuance of the animal health import permit, for its subsequent nationalization by the National Customs Service of Ecuador (Senae). 3. Clinical inspection of the dog or cat by an Agrocalidad technician. However, when the dog or cat arrives in the country in the cabin of the plane together with the passenger or through a land border crossing, it will not need to obtain the animal health import permit, but it must necessarily present the animal health certificate for export. For the entry of dogs and cats that have temporarily left Ecuador, the same export animal health certificate issued by Agrocalidad may be used to return to the country, provided that no more than thirty calendar days have elapsed from the date of issue. Otherwise, they must comply with the procedure established for this purpose. In addition, cash payments will not be received, all procedures will be attended to with the presentation of the deposit slip and for the current value that reflects the current tariff. Requirements for departure of pets: For the departure of pets from our country, before obtaining the export animal health certificate you should consult: The animal health requirements requested by the destination country. Click here for information. The requirements requested by the airline for the transport of animals. Meanwhile, to obtain the export animal health certificate, you must attach the requirements in PDF format and fill out the other fields of the application: Original vaccination card, must include dates and vaccinations applied, as well as the dates of internal and external deworming. Original pet health certificate with a validity of ten days from its issuance, signed and sealed by a veterinarian registered in Senescyt, which must include the information of the clinical inspection of the animals in accordance with the requirements established by the requirements of the destination country. The veterinarian must carry it out according to the animal health certificate model that is covered by Resolution 0150. Proof of deposit for $27.71 per animal. When the animals leave for the European Union, a rabies antibody titration test is required (carried out in a laboratory authorized by the European Union). In addition, you must complete the Animal Health Certificate Model for non-commercial movements of dogs, cats or ferrets to Member States from a territory or third country, which must be filled out by a veterinarian and verified, signed and sealed by an official of Agrocalidad. When pets leave for countries such as Panama and Venezuela, they have to be apostilled in the respective embassies, for this the time in which the Foreign Ministry assigns the turn for the apostillation must be taken into account. Here more information. Submit the "Pet Import Permit" granted by the CDC of the United States, for this you can apply by entering the following link or you can make your inquiries by sending an email to CDCanimalimports@cdc.gov; The import permit must be processed at least 30 business days (six weeks counting from Monday to Friday) before the date you intend to enter the United States. The US CDC does not issue import permits upon arrival. Dogs arriving without advance written CDC approval will be denied entry and returned to the country of origin at the importer's expense. In the case of pets that return to Mexico and are within the frequent traveler program, they must: verify in their Frequent Traveler card that the rabies vaccination is current and that external and internal deworming is not more than six months after being placed . For trips to Chile, they must take their animals for inspection prior to shipment to comply with the requirement of the Chilean Veterinary Authority, which details that "at the time of shipment, the animal did not show signs of transmissible or parasitic infectious diseases." If animals are leaving for Great Britain, the Model Pet Health Certificate form for the non-commercial movement of dogs, cats or ferrets into Great Britain must be completed and signed by a private veterinarian inspecting the animal as well, verified, signed and sealed by an Agrocalidad official. Once your application is approved, you can withdraw the animal health certificate for export, physically at the Agency office or border point of exit that you selected in your application. At the time of withdrawing that certificate, you must deliver the receipt of the original payment deposit. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/esto-es-lo-que-debe-pagar-y-presentar-para-sacar-o-ingresar-al-ecuador-sus-mascotas-de-compania-nota/
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