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Few animals have the particularity of symbolizing a whole as kangaroos. There is no photograph of the Australian outback that does not include an image of this characteristic marsupial. Here are some of its most outstanding features:


Kangaroos are among the largest marsupials in the world.
Kangaroos belong to the macropodid subfamily, which includes, in addition to the kangaroos themselves, wallabies, wallarouses and other marsupials. Among the different species, there is one that holds the title of the largest marsupial on the planet. It is the red kangaroo (Osphranter Rufus). Males can reach almost two meters in length from head to tail and weigh more than 90 kilos.

They can cover great distances in a single jump.
A kangaroo can reach up to 3 times its own length in a single jump. These marsupials are also capable of running, but jumping allows them to move faster and save energy. In fact, they are the only large animals that move by jumping. The largest specimens reach up to 8 meters in a jump. You would have to take about 10 steps to cover the same distance.They have a powerful digestive system.
It feeds mainly on grass and tree leaves. Unlike other herbivorous animals, they have a unique digestive system that allows them to digest plant fiber efficiently. Their stomach has four chambers, which helps them break down the cellulose in the grass and leaves they eat. The cecum facilitates bacterial fermentation of food, which they regurgitate and re-chew, helping them break down the cellulose and extract as many nutrients as possible. Their digestive system is very efficient, which allows them to survive in arid ecosystems with little vegetation.Las crías pueden permanecer inactivas hasta que la bolsa esté vacíaThe hatchlings can remain dormant until the pouch is empty.
The gestation period of kangaroos lasts about five weeks, after which they usually give birth to a single cub, which as soon as it is born makes its way with its forelimbs towards the mother's pouch, where it will live for several months. Because the initial period of development is so short, female kangaroos can become pregnant very quickly. Also, if they are carrying two pups at different stages of development at the same time, they can even produce two different types of milk at the same time to ensure that each pup receives the nutrients it needs at that time. And that's not all. If necessary, a female freezes the development of an embryo so as not to give birth again until a previous pup can emerge from its pouch, which in scientific terms is known as 'embryonic dispause'.


It uses its tail as a fifth point
The kangaroo tail is much more than a recommended. These marsupials are extremely muscular, so they use their tails for extra support when moving on all fours. In addition, it is strong enough to be able to support the entire body weight of a kangaroo when it "boxes"

The word 'kangaroo' comes from the aboriginal language.
Kangaroos are creatures closely linked to aboriginal culture. They are often depicted in ancient cave paintings, which can date back tens of thousands of years. The name 'kangaroo' comes from 'gangurru', which is the name given to eastern gray kangaroos by the Guuga Yimithirr Aboriginal people of Queensland.


Link: https://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/mundo-animal/canguros-son-algo-mas-que-marsupiales-saltarines_19872

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