#Wittels- Posted April 11, 2023 Posted April 11, 2023 Between the current situation, current affairs, novels, and children's and youth, we present four books that could stand out among the novelties of Filbo, which will begin in Bogotá on April 18 As the iconic Japanese writer and translator, author of novels, short stories and essays Haruki Murakami would say: "If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." This is why it is worth highlighting those titles and writers that do not always have a place on the large platforms, both traditional and digital, the same ones that can be in charge of po[CENSORED]rizing something or, on the contrary, discrediting it in a matter of moments. 1) Old furniture by Roberto Pombo-Joint: “This is not a history book nor is it a journalistic investigation; it is rather a series of profiles on the fly, without any rigorous or academic aspirations, in which I evoke the life and work of the presidents whose mandate I had to cover as a journalist since I started at the Alternativa magazine, back in the late 1950s. years 1970″ (...) “Ultimately, the presidents of Colombia have always been like those rodeo riders in the United States, who think they are going to dominate the bull very quickly, and it turns out that the indomitable animal knocks them down in five seconds. This is how it would normally be here. Each one, in their own way, all these characters are full of qualities and virtues, many of them really talented and some even gifted; But in the blink of an eye, the indomitable colt of the government throws them to the ground, and from there the only thing left for them is to survive, endure, count the hours until the ordeal is over.” Old furniture by Roberto Pombo / Planeta 2) The old malaise of the new world of Mauricio García Villegas-Actualidad: Excessive anger tends to harm the one who feels it more than the offender and the same happens with other emotions such as fear, resentment and revenge. Countries, like people, are also victims of this emotional lawlessness, with which, in all parts of the planet, something of this is suffered. But in Latin America, these emotions have undermined social coexistence more, hindered political activity more, made it more difficult to achieve collective projects, frustrated long-range objectives more. This book is an essay on Latin America and also on the current world, on its achievements and its failures, on the emotional overflow that we see today in culture and politics, and on the weakening of the institutions that could help us avoid a eventual tragic future. Here we don't just talk about sadness. Following a tradition that dates back to the 18th century, the author postulates, especially at present, the rescue of the Americanist feeling and the spiritual unity of the continent, in the midst of its cultural diversity and the unfathomable beauty of its nature. The old malaise of the new world by Mauricio García Villegas / Planet 3) Bury your name II, the murderers of the mount by Daniel Ángel-Novel: Many years later they also spoke of the escape, of the black and thick jungle, of the children who fell like nuts from the trees and were devoured by the earth. They spoke of the mothers who carried their dead children, of the curse of the men who persecuted them, for this reason they, the usual victims, had no other escape than to throw themselves into the abyss. The lost son of Erasmo Soler is now part of Los Pájaros de Colores, a criminal gang that blurs the lines between victims and perpetrators. Decades later, Ulises Villa Paz embarks on the task of finding the land of his lost brother, that land that for years has antagonized those who want to become a refuge from war and water a seed that does not germinate in violence. ["Bury your name I (Blood in the mouth)", by Daniel Ángel, can be purchased in its digital edition of Bajalibros by clicking here.] Bury your name II, the murderers of Mount Daniel Angel / Planet 4) YOLO Adventures 2 The mystery of the Amazon of Yolo, Nando, Mariana and Panda-Children and youth: The Adventurers have received some emails with alarming information that someone is destroying the Amazon. As they are the youtubers most committed to caring for the environment, they decide to go investigate but they cannot imagine what they will find robots shaped like dinosaurs, forest spirits, lost cities and the unknown evil entity that threatened to destroy them. Will Yolo, Mariana, Nando and Panda be able to save the most important jungle in the world? ["Yolo Aventuras 2. The mystery of the Amazon", by Mariana, Nando, Panda and Yolo, can be purchased in its digital edition of Bajalibros by clicking here.]4 Link: https://www.infobae.com/leamos/2023/04/11/algunas-curiosidades-que-podran-encontrarse-en-la-feria-internacional-del-libro-de-bogota-2023/
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