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[Curiosities] Image of the Virgin of La Dolorosa in La Libertad would have shed tears during the procession

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An unprecedented event in the canton of La Libertad, in the province of Santa Elena: the image of the Virgin Mary in the invocation of La Dolorosa would have shed tears during the night of last Friday, when the procession with the holy sepulcher was taking place.

However, the event had a greater connotation when the tour ended at the Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza mother church.

Holy Week: what is Glory Saturday and what are the Liturgy of the Hours and of the Word

“The parishioners approached me and told me the Virgin cries. I got closer and first I thought they were the artificial tears of the image, but then I saw that three tears flowed from her left eye, ”said Wider Vivas, parish coordinator.

He commented that there has not yet been a pronouncement by the parish priest, but it is expected that the case will be made known to the diocese and investigated, just as it happened when the image of the Mystic Rose in Olón cried tears of blood.

The event has had such diffusion that yesterday the parishioners continued to come to the church to see the image, although now they only observe the false tears that are part of the plaster and wood sculpture.

Cotton and handkerchiefs are passed through the face of the image; people take them as a sacred gift.

Holy or Glory Saturday is a day of absolute silence for the Church, which reflects "on the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as his descent into hell and his subsequent Resurrection".

This is how AciPrensa explains the important "day of waiting" for Catholics.

On Glory Saturday it is the Virgin Mary “who comforts the apostles of Jesus. She reminds them of what her son said: "On the third day I will rise again," reports El Comercio.

For this support for those who believe "that everything is over", that day Mary is remembered not only for her pain, but for "courage and keeping hope alive".

The Catholic Church dedicates Saturday to the Virgin Mary because, among other reasons, on Holy Saturday when Christ is dead and everyone is gone, she continues to confidently wait on the promises of her Son Jesus.

She is full of pain, but she keeps standing the flame of Faith pic.twitter.com/qBjYdMnppX

– Dr. Everardo López-Padilla (@drever77) March 18, 2023
The Christian community watches over the tomb. The bells and instruments are silent. The Hallelujah is rehearsed, but in a low voice. It is day to deepen. To contemplate. The altar is stripped. The tabernacle, open and empty, says AciPrensa.

What is celebrated every day of Holy Week

What is the Liturgy of the Hours
Holy Saturday is an aliturgical day; officially, the Church focuses on the Liturgy of the Hours, notes Aleteia.

That liturgy "is the set of prayers (psalms, antiphons, hymns, prayers, biblical readings and others) that the Church has organized to be prayed at certain hours of each day."


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