#Steeven.™ Posted April 7, 2023 Posted April 7, 2023 More than once you have been told that you should not eat red meat at Easter or that you should not shower because you will turn into a fish, but there are more beliefs related to this religious holiday. Among them, not wearing red because it is the color of the beast and attracts its presence or that being born on Good Friday is bad luck. Here we tell you the peculiarities of the Greater Week: For music lovers, the following belief can be quite a martyrdom, since years ago it was forbidden to listen to music and especially if it was rock. According to Catholics, Holy Week is a space for silence, reflection, and just listening to God. Would you risk getting stuck with your partner during sexual intercourse? Another of the well-known beliefs is that you should not have sex during this time since you should only be intimate with God, otherwise, it is a sin and you will be punished. A myth that is very similar to that of turning into a fish is that of turning into a monkey, strange as it may sound, this is what the grandparents of yesteryear believed when they told their grandchildren or children that if they climbed a tree they would become a monkey. Why can't you eat red meat? The prohibition was given because the meat represents the body of Christ. In addition, it has its origin in the practice of fasting that is done from Palm Sunday in honor of Jesus who spent 40 days in the desert fasting. No sweeping or nailing on Good Friday. If you reflect, you will understand more about this refusal. For those who don't remember the story, nails should not be used because they were part of Christ's suffering on the cross, nor is sweeping recommended because it was considered a way of "sweeping away the face of Christ." Do you want your guava tree to bear more fruit? The belief says that on Good Friday morning you must hit a tree for it to start charging. You should not cut your hair either because the myth says that you should not cut anything because you believe that the body of Jesus is being cut. Do not go out after three in the afternoon, because that was the time that Christ died and his anger would cause precipitation. If you have a naughty son, this is the week of the truce, since it is forbidden to challenge children, because according to the saying of the grandparents "anger calls the devil". https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/actualidad/44/nueve-curiosidades-y-mitos-sobre-la-semana-santa 1
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