Draeno Posted February 24, 2023 Posted February 24, 2023 With an overall monthly price growth of 6%, the South American country ranked as the second highest in a sample of 38 countries, only surpassed by Turkey and on par with the Czech Republic. Argentina is among the three countries with the highest inflation in the world. The variation in January, which marked 6% according to INDEC, left the country in second place, only surpassed by Turkey and on par with the Czech Republic. This is clear from a recent report by the Argentine Institute of Fiscal Analysis (Iaraf), carried out by Nadin Argañaraz, which relieves inflation in 38 countries around the world. After the inflation data corresponding to the month of January, Argentina ranked second in the highest monthly price variation in the world and shares the podium with the Czech Republic, which had a strong rise in the prices of public utility rates. Turkey, in the same month, had a price rise of 6.6 percent. “The median value of the surveyed countries was 0.5% in January. If you look at the inflation of the country that is in the 25th percentile, you can see an acceleration in the last month. Inflation in the last four months was 0.4%, -0.1%, -0.2% and 0.2%, respectively. The same thing happened in the country that is in the 75th percentile. Inflation in the last four months was 1.2%, 0.8%, 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively," said Argañaraz. "Inflation in Argentina reached 6.3% per month in October, 4.9% in November, 5.1% in December and 6.0% in January. The gap between Argentine monthly inflation and the median of the sample considered was 5.5 percentage points in January, higher than the previous months. With the January data, Argentina consolidates an average annual inflation of 58.7% in the last four years," the report said. https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/economia/Inflacion-Argentina-figura-de-nuevo-entre-los-paises-mas-golpeados-20230222-0122.html
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