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[Lifestyle] Dining across the divide: ‘It was exhausting being with someone as bright as that’

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One is a socialist feminist, the other identifies as neither of those things. Can an Italian meal help them see each other’s point of view?

Sam Wollaston
Sam Wollaston
Thu 1 Dec 2022 12.30 GMT
Barbara, 68, Bristol
Occupation Relationship counsellor

Voting record Labour and Green. Barbara describes herself as far left

Amuse bouche Once, at a party, Barbara jumped into a swimming pool – naked, drunk, carrying a large potted plant. The friend whose party and pool it was never spoke to her again

Eva, 37, Bath
Occupation Trained as an occupational psychologist, currently a stay-at-home mother

Voting record Eva, who is Australian, voted Labour there. In the UK, she votes Liberal Democrat

Amuse bouche Antonio Banderas was once talking to Eva’s dad at a do in Mexico City. Eva came over, Banderas asked her name, “and he started singing Evita to me”

For starters
Barbara She’s a brainiac. She was talking to the waiter in Italian – and sounding like an Italian. She speaks seven or eight languages, including Russian. She’s a very intelligent woman and I began to feel like a kind of pensioner … which, of course, I am.

Eva We ended up sharing our entrees, which was nice. She’s warm and motherly. When I found out she was a relationship counsellor, I thought: I’d like to open up to this person.

The big beef
Barbara We have very different views on autism and neurodiversity. I have worked a lot with autistic people and families where one person is autistic or has ADHD. These relationships are inclined to break down because of the lack of understanding.


Eva I worked in the computing field for a long time – coding and technology – and I was unusual in being neurotypical. It was a quiet workspace – there was no interaction, and no expectation you would have cupcakes on someone’s birthday. That’s fine, but you can’t say it’s OK if you then come into an environment where everyone is celebrating and you sit there and glare at us.

Paul and Eleanor
Dining across the divide: ‘I thought: are they going to send me a screaming unionist?’
Read more
Barbara Every team needs a neurodiverse person – they provide a fresh point of view. More than 70% of autistic people don’t work. They can’t get a job because of their social skills – highly intelligent people in many cases who deserve not just to be accommodated, but celebrated.

Eva Neurodivergent people may be useful and bring new ideas and perspectives, but if they don’t even try to participate in what might otherwise be a cordial environment, it can be damaging to the way the office functions. I am not neurodivergent – I have bipolar affective disorder. I want it to be destigmatised, but I don’t think workplaces owe me anything beyond basic accommodation. If I’m having a manic episode, I can take sick leave. But if I am being really awful at work, I should be called out. I don’t want my mental health issues to create problems for the rest of my team. It is a question of balancing the needs of the many against the needs of the few.

link: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/dec/01/dining-across-the-divide-eva-barbara

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