Dr@g0n Posted September 17, 2022 Share Posted September 17, 2022 One of the most imposing and majestic animals on the planet is the Bengal tiger. In the culture of India, these felines are part of the sacred representations. The deities of Hinduism, Shiva and Durga, are normally associated with these tigers. De hecho, la última es representada sobre uno de ellos. The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) is a big feline and one of the best predators. Se characterização por ser calculador y ágil en sus attacks. Es también distinguishedo por su fuerza, la cual le permite deribar a presas grandes. It lives mainly in the tropical forests of India and Bangladesh, although there are also numerous po[CENSORED]tions in Nepal. This is what we know about the tiger of Bengal. La naturaleza del tigre de Bengala The Bengal tiger is known for being one of the largest felines. Aproximadamente, los machos de major tamaño llegan a alcanzar los 3 metros, mientras que las hembras difícilmente superan los 2.5 metros. En lo que respecta al peso, éste suele ser simaleno muy variable, sin embargo, puede decirse que los machos, en edad adulta, pueden llegar a los 190 kilogramos, y las hembras a los 140. Uno de los grandes atractivos del tigre de Bengala son sus colors. Normally, this feline is located by its orange skin with black stripes. No obstante, también los hay blancos, due to a genetic mutation. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that this animal has an average life of between 10 and 12 years. In the case of females, the expectation can reach 16. Some examples in captivity reach, including, 20 years. Another characteristic of Bengal tigers is that they are solitary. Es durante los periodos de celo cuando buscan a otros de su especie, de lo contrario, la majoria de sus actividades las perizan solos. Pese a esto, las crías necessitan de su madre hasta los los 2 años, deboto a que éstas están en formación, aprendiendo a survivirer. De acuerdo con Naturalista, el celo de estos animals puede verse alteredo por las condiciones climáticas. La reproduction es uno de los pocos actos que rompen la soledad del tigre de Bengal. La gestación, por su parte, takes between 93 and 112 days. The average of babies per parto is 2 to 3. The great demographic growth of the countries where the Bengal tiger lives is a factor that still remains the number of its species. Este hecho da motivo a los felines para migrar a otras tierras. Unfortunately, the lack of sufficient food is one of the consequences that this change brings. Despite the fact that it is not in critical danger of extinction, like other species, the Bengal tiger is listed on the red list of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, for its acronym in English). The World Fund for Nature is one of the organizations that has been shown in favor of protecting this animal, working to stop poaching. Link:https://www.ngenespanol.com/animales/tigre-de-bengala-el-gran-felino-de-las-selvas-de-la-india/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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