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¤ Nickname: TERBOUD

¤ Name:  Abdelillah 

¤ Age:  23 

¤ Country: Algeria 

¤ City:  Tlemcen 

¤ Favorite Games: Fortnite , Cs 1.6 ,CsGo , ProjectReality Battle Field .... ect

¤ Favorite Shows:  Bab Al Haara 

¤ Favorite Movies: Titanic 

¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: Sakanja / Astrix ... like the type of LSD trip music 

¤ What would you like to do in life: I love helping people 

¤ Favorite actor - why ?:  i don't have 

¤ Favorite actress - why ?:  i have fav Singer she is Shakira 

¤ Do you smoke? / What brand of cigarettes do you smoke: no , but i Vape 

¤ Favorite alcoholic drink:  Haraaam in Our relegion 

¤ Favorite juice: grape Juice 

¤ In what country would you like to live: i'd love to live in London 

¤ Favorite football team: i don't have xD 

¤ Car models: CAMARO the love of my life 

¤ A brief description about you: Im a Cool person i love helping other im not toxic 

¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: Tbh my friend said to me why we don't go back to cs1.6 i said yess let's play ZP servers are the best and i enter GameTracker andi found the best server in the world wich is NewLife My Familly 

¤ If you won 1 million dollars, what would be the first thing you do?: i will donate some to the poor ppl try to help them and the Rest just enjoy life with it and with my parents i wanna make them happy and proud of me My mom and dad ofc 

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