-Artisan ツ Posted July 22, 2022 Posted July 22, 2022 This insect, po[CENSORED]r for its color and its long journeys in North America, faces possible extinction On July 21, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN for its acronym in English, warned of the inclusion of the monarch butterfly on the Red List of Threatened Species. This list is divided into nine categories: Not Evaluated, Data Deficient, Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild, and Extinct. Monarchs are in the 'Endangered' category, just one step away from becoming critically endangered. “TODAY'S UPDATE TO THE RED LIST HIGHLIGHTS THE FRAGILITY OF NATURE'S WONDERS, SUCH AS THE UNIQUE SPECTACLE OF MONARCH BUTTERFLIES THAT MIGRATE THOUSANDS OF KILOMETRES,” MENTIONS BRUNO OBERLE, IUCN DIRECTOR. We suggest: The climate crisis is changing the migration of monarch butterflies forever The species that makes a journey from the United States and Canada to the Mexican mountains every year has had a 72% reduction in its po[CENSORED]tion, according to IUCN data. Some of the most important causes of their extinction are the excessive felling of trees and the destruction of the ecosystems they inhabit. “IT IS DIFFICULT TO SEE MONARCH BUTTERFLIES AND THEIR EXTRAORDINARY MIGRATION Tumble on the brink of collapse, BUT THERE ARE SIGNS OF HOPE,” SAYS ANNA WALKER, MEMBER OF THE SPECIES SURVIVAL COMMISSION. “MANY PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS HAVE COME TOGETHER TO TRY TO PROTECT THIS BUTTERFLY AND ITS HABITATS.” Other endangered species The monarch butterfly did not enter the list alone. The sturgeon does not seem to have a favorable outlook either. All species of this marine animal is in danger of extinction. The main reasons are poaching for the sale of sturgeon meat and caviar. “THE DIVERSITY OF FRESHWATER SPECIES MAINTAINS THE WELL-BEING OF FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS AND OUR PLANET AS A WHOLE,” EMPHASIZES HARMONY PATRICIO, FRESHWATER FISH CONSERVATION MANAGER AT RE:WILD. However, all is not lost. "Recovery is possible," says the IUCN. Cases such as the increase in the tiger po[CENSORED]tion show us that it is possible for ecosystems to function optimally again, with the species that comprise it. Keep reading: Curiosities of the monarch butterfly This is the beluga sturgeon, the monster fish of up to one ton and 5 meters long that lives in Europe https://www.ngenespanol.com/animales/la-mariposa-monarca-esta-en-peligro-de-extincion/ 1
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