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[Sport] According to Antena 2, from Colombia, FIFA will not punish the Ecuadorian team, but there would be a sanction for Byron Castillo

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In the coming days, the highest body in world football will rule on this case, which the Ecuadorian justice sentenced in January 2021.


In the coming days, FIFA will make public its decision on the lawsuit filed by the Chilean National Professional Football Association (ANFP) regarding an alleged prediction of data in Byron Castillo's birth certificate to disqualify the Ecuadorian team from the World Cup of Qatar 2022, detail the web portal Antena 2, of Colombia.


Judge Ronald Guerrero Cruz, of the North 2 Criminal Judicial Unit, based in Guayaquil, who on January 28, 2021 declared admissible the habeas data that Castillo had presented, incorrectly, in an official letter dated February 25, addressed to the Registry Civil of Ecuador, which is registered as an Ecuadorian citizen.


“Chileans are looking for the points to be taken away from the Tricolor and for these to be granted, with which they could aspire to be in the next orbital appointment. However, the fact that they take away the points from Ecuador does not mean that they give them to the southern team”, details the coffee media.

And he highlights: “FIFA has already made a decision, although it has not made it official. According to what transpired, the international organization would not punish Ecuador, but it would punish the player for the confusion that exists about his nationality.


The highest football body will officially announce worldwide "the decision regarding the lawsuit imposed against Ecuador, during the next few days, that is, in the week that has just begun."

Two weeks ago, the newspaper La Tercera published that the FEF was "granted an extension of fifteen (15) days and to present its position before the Secretary of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, no later than June 5, 2022 ″.

On May 12, Ramón Jesurún Franco, president of the Colombian Football Federation (FCF), when asked: what does the FCF plan to do? Will it also sue? He replied: “Of course not. That player (Castillo) was never lined up against Colombia.”

What if he had been lined up by the Ecuadorian team? “How that didn't happen, I don't know,” Jesurún exclusively told El Heraldo, from Barranquilla.


At the end of April, this controversy began due to a publication on his Twitter account by the Colombian journalist Sebastián Bejarano, who said: “A trial has just ended in Ecuador, where evidence has been shown that the player Byron Castillo, who was Summoned on several qualifying dates (from Qatar 2022) by Gustavo Alfaro, he is Colombian. Properly born in Tumaco, Nariño”. A diligence that was never carried out in the courts of this country.

And after a few hours he posted on the social network: “I apologize. The evidence that the lawyer showed was at a press conference. They are different contexts.

“To all the Ecuadorian people and Byron Castillo himself, saying that they are just qualified for the World Cup in Qatar. I am replicating the information from Dr. Luigi García; I have nothing against you. Greetings to the beautiful country and the beautiful people you have. Enjoy the World Cup”, he concluded.

FEF clarifies the issue


Carlos Manzur, vice president of the FEF, said about the Castillo issue that this responded to "a problem between businessmen for money (for the sports rights of the right back)".

“This is the complaint of a person who wants to collect a debt from someone who was the player's employer. That is what the media has picked up”, declared the director of national football in an interview for El Deportivo, section of La Tercera, one of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Chile.


Link: https://www.eluniverso.com/deportes/futbol/segun-antena-2-de-colombia-la-fifa-no-castigara-a-seleccion-de-ecuador-pero-si-habria-sancion-para-byron-castillo-nota/

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