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[Moto] Yadea's electric motorcycles arrive in Spain thanks to Kymco

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Yadea is not one of those brands that is familiar to everyone, but from now on we will begin to see it much more present in our country. And it is that Yadea fully enters the Spanish market at the hands of Kymco Spain. Yadea is the largest manufacturer of electric motorcycles worldwide, with more than 13.9 million units sold in 2021, it also has more than 60 million users and enters Europe after having (thanks to those figures mentioned above) doubled its size in 2020 and 2021.

Of Chinese origin and with an overwhelming presence in more than 90 countries around the world, the brand was created in 2001 and is focused on the manufacture of two-wheeled electric vehicles (bicycles, scooters and scooters) as well as their accessories. One of the central pillars of the company is the search for sustainability, which is why highly advanced technologies are developed and made available to everyone.



These technologies come from a very strong investment in R+D+I, Yadea currently invests more than 120 million euros a year in technology research, development and innovation. Thanks to this investment, it has been able to register more than 1,300 patents in a single year.

As we said before, June 21 of this year is the starting gun. On that date, Yadea will explain to us in detail what her strategy is in our country. At the moment, we know that they are going to focus on the sale of scooters and electric motorcycles, as well as scooters for both individuals and company fleets.


And how is it that it arrives now and since 2001 it has not tried to enter Europe? Well, it is not a decision taken lightly, Yadea has been analyzing the sales numbers and their projection until it has seen that, due to the new environmental restrictions that are currently being implemented in most European cities, as well as the that will gradually increase over the years, sales are increasing with an increase, thus seeing a great business opportunity.

And how can I buy one? Well, it can be done online, although their plans include a strong investment in physical stores. In this way they solve one of the great fears that still exist to buy without having tried or seen the product live and in person. Yadea Spain plans to exceed the figure of 200 physical stores by the end of this year, currently it already has around 40,000 physical points of sale throughout the world.


It remains to wait for them to reveal the ins and outs of their plans, as well as being able to test their products, which are very promising. We will expand as we have more information to give you!


Link: https://www.diariomotor.com/noticia/las-motos-electricas-de-yadea-llegan-a-espana-de-la-mano-de-kymco/

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