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Can you tell which are the oldest animals in the world? Incredible as it may seem, the first animals appeared on planet Earth 600 million years ago.

The jellyfish is the oldest multi-organ animal that exists. It was born 600 million years ago. There are currently more than 10,000 species, most of which live in tropical waters.

The size of the jellyfish ranges between 5 and 40 centimeters in length, although there is a large species that weighs about 200 kilos. The sea wasp is the most dangerous poisonous animal in the world since with just 1 milligram of its venom it can end the life of an adult person.


elephant shark
Although its name may indicate otherwise, this animal is actually a cartilaginous fish, not a shark. It is estimated that it has existed for 400 million years.

It has a fleshy snout, similar to a trunk, which is used to explore the seabed in search of food. It lives in salty waters more than 200 meters deep and feeds on invertebrate animals. The breeding season takes place during the spring.


It is estimated that the cockroach has lived on planet Earth for 250 million years. There are more than 4,500 species and more than 460 genera, although only four are considered pests.

The cockroach is distributed throughout the world, and lives in humid and dark areas. It feeds on almost anything it finds, including inorganic materials. It has nocturnal habits and is very sociable by nature.

horseshoe crab
The horseshoe crab has barely evolved since its origin, more than 450 million years ago. It inhabits river estuaries and coastal areas, and is currently in danger of extinction.

It feeds on invertebrates, such as molluscs and worms. It spends much of its life buried in the sand, and females can lay up to 100,000 eggs in their lifetime. One of the most outstanding characteristics is that it has several pairs of eyes.


velvet worm
Also known as onychophora, the velvet worm is closely related to the centipede. The first records of its existence date back 500 million years.

Its appearance is very similar to that of the caterpillar. It is a carnivorous animal that uses a kind of sticky glue to catch its victims, which has a toxic effect. It lives in tropical regions, although formerly it was distributed throughout the world.

These are the oldest animals in the world!


Link: https://okdiario.com/mascotas/5-animales-mas-antiguos-del-mundo-8808576


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