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A total of 18 races with 93 entries were scheduled to take place over the weekend at the Valencia and La Rinconada racetracks, with the Diego Ibarra Classic as the most important race on the Cabriales oval.

On the customary Sunday day on Sunday at the Caracas oval, a round of nine competitions without selective will be held for the third consecutive week.

The program is announced to start at 1:30 in the afternoon with a race for rookie mares and losers in 1,300 meters, a test in which Caracciola, ridden by Eglinder Betancourt and trained by Aldo Traversa, will emerge as one of the main favorites. .

The most important races will be the second and third of the meeting for winning horses and mares of 4, 5 and 6 races, respectively, at 1,500 meters each.

Beto Bombo, presented by Ramiro Caldeira and Freely, guided by Cipriano Gil, are the prized ones of the second test, while the favoritism of the third fell on Pantallera, trained by Radamés Santamaría and led by Jefferson Díaz.

The first valid for the game of 5 and 6 will begin in the fourth race, for debutants and losers in 1,300 meters.
Arezzo, with the mount of Robert Capriles and Gran Solinero, guided by Jaime Lugo junior, are the most preferred, although it will be necessary to take into account Moterreal, a sorrel from the Agua Miel stud farm, who improved enormously in his previous presentation and is ready to cross the finish line at the top of the scoreboard with the effective driving of Cipriano Gil and presentation of Juan Carlos García.

selective valence

The seventh race at the Valencia National Hippodrome will be held for the Diego Ibarra Classic at a distance of 1,300 meters and a prize of 320.00 bolívares, plus an additional 2,300 dollars to be distributed among the best classified.

King Writer, with a record of new wins in 28 presentations, will jump as one of the favorites under the responsibility of the team made up of Jonathan Chacón and Henry Trujillo.

And son of Documentary, from the El Rosal stud farm, he will have Big Tito, presented by Juan Carlos De Abreu and led by Fernando García, as a potential enemy.

The game of 5 and 6 is scheduled to start with the fourth in the afternoon with a race for beginners and losers in 1,300 meters, in which Do Gandola and Chevys Brothers share the favoritism.

There will be two interesting days of racing at the Caracas and Carabobo racetracks for the enjoyment of Venezuelan equestrian fans.
News brought by https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/deportes/nueve-carreras-en-valencia-y-caracas/

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