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(Politics) President Of Venezuela Said: The Koki was trained and financed by the government of Iván Duque

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The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured this Thursday that alias El Kiko was trained and financed by the government of Iván Duque.

“An important group of criminals have been captured in Tejerías, financed and trained by Colombian paramilitaries. They were trained and directed from the government of Iván Duque », he denounced.

“El Koki and all these people were trained by the narco-paramilitary government of Colombia. The detainees are confessing the responsibility of Duque," said the head of state from an act commemorating the 3 years of the Great Venezuela Transportation Mission.

He assured that the detainees have confirmed this complaint, "many of those captured are declaring in which cities of Colombia they were, what the training was and how they were preparing a paramilitary base to attack Caracas under the order of Iván Duque," he said.

He stressed that the antisocial was established on the Autopista Regional del Centro because it is one of the most important roads in the country. “You think it was a coincidence that he went to Colombia and returned to settle in Las Tejerias, that is not a coincidence,” Maduro said.

The president assured that there was a plan to attack the capital city from Las Tejerías, since the Koki had been re-entered Venezuela from Colombia. "They wanted to attack the city, under an order from the paraco-narcomilitary government of Duque."

At the same time, he congratulated the security agencies for the work they have done, “I want to congratulate all the officials for their successful fight against paramilitarism and the crime they are committing. To combat, to battle and always to victory! », He limited when referring to the Operation Indian Chief Guaicaipuro II.

paramilitary financing
The President of the Republic has repeatedly denounced that Colombia finances organized crime in Venezuela.

"We are going to increase action against crime, paramilitary groups, criminals and murderers, go where they go, we will come for them," he said this Wednesday during a presidential activity.

There are 21 detainees
The Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Remigio Ceballos, announced on Wednesday the arrest of 14 people in Las Tejerías, Aragua state and this Thursday 7 more were arrested, he also reported that 5 criminals have been killed.

This operation began last weekend with the aim of finding the whereabouts of alias El Conejo and alias El Koki. The Council is still on the run.

Ceballos reported that the operation will continue to be carried out in the area until the whereabouts of all the members of the gang are found.

This Thursday, earlier, the minister had reiterated the complaint about the involvement of the Colombian government in plans that seek to destabilize Venezuela.

His statement was made through Twitter as a result of all the procedures that have been carried out in recent days through the State security forces and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) to neutralize criminal gangs, eradicate laboratories and drug crops in Venezuelan border territory and in the expulsion of the Armed Terrorist Groups of Colombian Drug Traffickers (Tancol) in the nation.

The Koki, the most wanted
Carlos Revette, alias El Koki, was killed last Tuesday in Tejerias, Aragua state, as reported by Minister Ceballos in the afternoon of that day. This Thursday the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Senamef), certified the death of the offender.

Alias El Koki and his criminal group operated from Cota 905 until July 2021 when Operation Cacique Guaicaipuro I freed that po[CENSORED]tion. Since then El Koki was a fugitive from justice. Subsequently, the subject settled in Las Tejerías with the intention of reactivating the project to establish a safe route for drug trafficking from Colombia, according to previous investigations.

El Koki had the help of Carlos Rodríguez (El Conejo). Both clashed with security agencies.
News brought by https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/

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