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(Politics) Duque wants to speak with the Russian ambassador about the Venezuelan border situation

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Colombian President Iván Duque said this Friday that he will talk with the Russian ambassador to Colombia, Nikolay K. Tavdumadze, to clarify the objectives of that country's military presence in Venezuela.

In this way, Duque ignores the statement from the Russian embassy in that country in which he rejects the "unfounded" accusations made by the Colombian Defense Minister, Diego Molano, who accused Russia of supporting and implementing technical assistance to execute a foreign intervention on the border with Venezuela, because he called it irresponsible.

The statement from the Russian embassy in Colombia says that "it notes with perplexity the continuous attempts to unfoundedly accuse the Russian Federation of the alleged interference in the affairs of Colombia (...) Diego Molano seeks fictitious enemies by mentioning a foreign intervention on the border with Venezuela.

Likewise, the statement highlighted the meeting of President Iván Duque with the heads of accredited Diplomatic Missions and the statements of the Colombian president where he would have spoken out for the development of friendly ties between Bogotá and the outside world.

test in hand
According to local newspapers, Duque insists on having proof of the existence of the FARC in the country and wants to expressly communicate this to the Russian representatives.

"We are going to have the opportunity to speak with the diplomatic representation of Russia in Colombia to understand a little about the military assistance that is being provided in Venezuela, why the presence of some equipment that they have in that country," said the Colombian head of state, according to EFE.

"It is important that we continue to maintain the cooperative spirit, the frank spirit, and obviously maintain this at the level of diplomatic dialogue that corresponds," he said during a ceremony that took place today at the Military Transport Air Command (CATAM), in Bogotá. , where it received a shipment of more than 1.1 million vaccines from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer against covid-19 donated by Spain.

Given these statements, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Sergey Mélik-Bagdasárov, came to the fore through his Twitter account, drawing attention to the call for dialogue made by Duque with the representative of the Kremlin in that country, reminding him that for this "it is necessary to coordinate policies with Russia and not with "Silvercorp", referring to the American company of Jordan Goudreau used to plan Operation Gideon that had the objective of assassinating the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and to another series of personalities from the politics of this country.
Defense Minister Diego Molano said yesterday that some men and units of the Bolivarian Military Force have been mobilized to the border with Colombia "with the support and technical assistance of Russia and Iran."

For his part, the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Ceofanb), Domingo Hernández Lárez, published on Friday on his twitter account that Venezuela does not need "nobody's permission to move our Russian, Iranian, gringo vehicles, Italians, English, French, Austrians, Israelis, or anyone else who comes to mind”.
News brought by https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/

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