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[Animal] Raising cats at home.. benefits proven by science

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Many people like to raise cats at home because of their wonderful aesthetic shape, especially Shirazi cats, but raising cats also has many scientific benefits for their owner. Here are some of the benefits of raising cats.https://www.addustour.com/articles/1199423-تربية-القطط-في-المنزل-فوائد-يثبتها-العلم

1- Lowering Triglyceride and Cholesterol Levels: The high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol contribute to heart disease significantly, and it is also a symptom of type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, so lowering them leads to a reduced risk of these diseases. 2- Reducing the risk of heart disease and heart attacks: Whereas, people who do not keep cats are 30-40% more likely to die of a heart attack than those who keep cats.3- Lowering blood pressure: Once you pet a cat, it will reduce high blood pressure and make you feel calm and reassured. 4- Raising the body’s immunity: Exposure to your cat's fur will increase your resistance to allergies and reduce the risk of asthma. 5- Reducing the risk of stroke: As cat breeders have a lower risk of stroke compared to others.6- Release the hormone of love and trust: The calming effect of a cat's possession releases the hormone oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of love and trust. 7- Reduce stress and anxiety: Just owning a cat is a comfort to the nerves, by releasing calming chemicals to the body, and a simple session with your cat to pamper it is enough to comfort you and distract you from what worries you.8. Companionship and Reducing Loneliness Although cats are independent creatures, the relationship between them and their breeder strengthens friendship bonds and helps overcome loneliness. If you live alone, there is nothing better than having a cat with you.

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