#Wittels- Posted December 11, 2021 Posted December 11, 2021 The way this animal sleeps generates so much interest that this year it has been one of the most frequent searches on Google Giraffes are one of the animals that arouses the most curiosity among human beings, either because of their striking physique such as their elongated neck or their black spots. However, one of the most particular aspects of this species is the way it sleeps. The interest generated by how this animal sleeps is such that this 2021 has been one of the most common searches on Google in Spain. For a long time it was believed that these animals did not sleep but the reality is that they have peculiar sleeping habits. According to the Nashville Zoo, they sleep a total of 30 minutes a day and therefore it was thought for many years that this species did not sleep. Because they divide their rest into short periods of five minutes, it is very difficult to witness a giraffe in a deep sleep. In addition, they normally sleep standing up, since this posture allows them to be alert and react quickly to any predator. However, sometimes they also sleep lying down, specifically, the young or those who live in captivity. In addition, the process in which these animals lie down is also striking, according to the University of Murcia, first kneeling on their front legs and then lowering the rest of the body. As for the neck, they usually bend it laterally back to rest the head on the hip or thigh. 10 curiosities of giraffes It is the only vertebrate that does not yawn. The 'horns' that giraffes have are called osiconos and are bony protrusions up to 13 cm in length that are derived from cartilage. In addition, their osiconos allow to distinguish the sex of the animal, since those of the females and the young ones are thin and have a small tuft of hair on the upper part, while those of the adult males end in the shape of a knob and prey to be bald at the top. Herds of giraffes can reach up to 30 individuals and is known as a "tower". Giraffes are usually silent, but they have a number of vocalizations. On the one hand, the young of this species roar or meow and the females looking for calves roar and on the other hand, the males who court have been heard coughing loudly. Snorts of alarm, moans, snoring, hissing and flute-like sounds have also been heard. The giraffe is the only animal that does not have vocal cords, which is why they have developed an infrasound system, like elephants and blue whales, to communicate with each other. They usually live between 20 and 30 years and as they age they separate from the group in which they go from newborn to die without disturbing the rest of the herd. The tongue of giraffes can reach up to 50 cm, which makes it easier for them to reach the food found in the treetops. In addition, its XXL black or dark blue tongue has other functions such as cleaning the ears to hear better. Giraffe spots are totally unique, just like fingerprints. Link: https://www.elconfidencial.com/medioambiente/naturaleza/2021-12-10/como-duermen-las-jirafas-y-otras-10-curiosidades-de-este-animal_3337613/ 1
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