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(Politics) Democracy accuses the erosion of the Constitution and loses social support

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Support for the democratic regime falls seven points and up to 13 among young people
Institutional act for Constitution Day, in streaming


The Constitution has become a totem as well-worn as it is untouchable. Those who most appeal to the Magna Carta are those who show the least interest in updating it. And that the constitutional text has completed more than 40 years without a single retouch that rejuvenates it. However, the complex reform procedure and the irreconcilable antagonisms beating in Spanish society make any project of change an impossible task. Meanwhile, citizen support for the democratic regime loses strength in a context of the rise of populist offers such as Vox.


Of course, it is not easy to pin down the impact of constitutional sclerosis on declining support for democracy. In the last two years, the world has experienced the anguish of a pandemic and its effects on the economy and well-being, and this situation has undoubtedly contributed to accentuate pessimism and skepticism towards institutions; especially among young people with poorer future expectations. But it is also true that since the Spanish Constitution was approved, the main countries of the European Union have introduced numerous - and sometimes profound - changes to their constituent texts.

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