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  • Intra in scripting , deschide fisierul.sma numit admincmd , cauta comanda amx_who , o sa iti apara asa:


register_concmd("amx_slap", "cmdSlap", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> [power]")
register_concmd("amx_leave", "cmdLeave", ADMIN_KICK, "<tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]")
register_concmd("amx_pause", "cmdPause", ADMIN_CVAR, "- pause or unpause the game")
register_concmd("amx_who", "cmdWho", ADMIN_ADMIN, "- displays who is on server")


  • Dezactiveaza amx_who din admincmd , adica asa:



register_concmd("amx_slap", "cmdSlap", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> [power]")
register_concmd("amx_leave", "cmdLeave", ADMIN_KICK, "<tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]")
register_concmd("amx_pause", "cmdPause", ADMIN_CVAR, "- pause or unpause the game")
//register_concmd("amx_who", "cmdWho", ADMIN_ADMIN, "- displays who is on server")


  • Apoi , salvezi si copilezi fisierul modificat pe care il reuploadezi in plugins. Deci tu trebuie sa dezactivezi comanda default a serverului pentru amx_who si sa o pui pe a ta.




  • Click on scripting folder and open the file named admincmd. Search the amx_who command:




register_concmd("amx_slap", "cmdSlap", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> [power]")
register_concmd("amx_leave", "cmdLeave", ADMIN_KICK, "<tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]")
register_concmd("amx_pause", "cmdPause", ADMIN_CVAR, "- pause or unpause the game")
register_concmd("amx_who", "cmdWho", ADMIN_ADMIN, "- displays who is on server")


  • Disable amx_who from the admincmd, as below:

register_concmd("amx_slap", "cmdSlap", ADMIN_SLAY, "<name or #userid> [power]")
register_concmd("amx_leave", "cmdLeave", ADMIN_KICK, "<tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]")
register_concmd("amx_pause", "cmdPause", ADMIN_CVAR, "- pause or unpause the game")
//register_concmd("amx_who", "cmdWho", ADMIN_ADMIN, "- displays who is on server")

  • Then save and compile the modified .sma file. You must disable the default amx_who command of server, and you replace with your own.


\Good luck!

Adi [ak Mr.Love] - administrator CsBlackDevil Community

  • I love it 5

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