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[Animals] The animal that is very close to extinction: there are only ten left in the world

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scientists believe their species can still be saved


The vaquitas are very close to disappearing. Of the 600 specimens that were calculated in 1997, only ten of these animals are alive in the Gulf of California (Mexico), the only place where one of these endangered animals can still be seen.

The reason for their disappearance is nothing more and nothing less than illegal fishing, an action that is gradually destroying the world's biodiversity and that is a complex issue from a political point of view. The Mexican government issued an order prohibiting gillnets in much of the Gulf of California itself, but this regulation is not enforced, far from it.


Fishermen go out to sea every day with illegal fishing methods and nets, which causes these cetaceans to become extinct, something that experts in marine mammals see as a solution if this practice can be stopped.

"They are becoming extinct due to human activities, although it could be avoided," said Jorge Urbán Ramírez, a biologist at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur.


Link: https://www.marca.com/tiramillas/actualidad/2021/11/25/619fb81b22601ded1d8b45b4.html

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